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NLP is one of the most mysterious and mysterious areas in psychology. It is important to know that NLP is not a set of techniques. It is an attitude associated with curiosity, with the desire to learn, with the desire to be able to interact - and influence in a meaningful way. Neuro-Linguistic Programming - deals with the study of neural connections with human speech (internal and external) and their programming. It is believed that this direction is not scientific, but it uses the theoretical basis of psychophysiology, linguistics, cybernetics, communication theory and neuroscience. The philosophical basis is structuralism. A long time ago, in a distant country, people began to think about how the experience of one person differs from the experience of another. What does a person do when he naturally gets rid of a phobia, and what does a person who has lived with it for several years do? how people change beliefs; attitude to problems; how successful people think and what they do. The answer to a number of these questions were the first NLP techniques, created by modeling people, which coped with a phobia, quickly put a person into a trance, raised the deep structure of a statement, etc. The name of these techniques: metamodel, submodalities, wave, time line. Using knowledge of cybernetics, linguistics, psychophysiology, etc., NLP has received the title of a working direction in psychology and is actively developing in the world. There are no two completely identical people or situations. We have sense organs with which we receive information from the world around us. We have our own worldview, based on individual conclusions, which ultimately adds up to our map of the world. The uniqueness of people and situations makes up a unique map of everyone’s world. Finding themselves in the same situation, different people have different opinions regarding it. The situation is territory (“objective reality "). Participants have different maps of the territory (situation). Based on this, the map is not equal to the territory. People have different opinions on the same event. Where one sees opportunity, another sees emptiness. The distinction between a map and territory implies that our actions are determined by internal models of reality more than by reality itself. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly expand our “maps of the world.” If we enrich or expand our map, that More alternatives will appear to the same reality. The richer your “world map”, the more opportunities will open up for you when solving any problem that arises in reality. There is no single “true” or “correct” map of the world. Each of us has our own unique map, or model, of the world, and no one map reflects reality more “true” or “correctly” than another. Rather, the fact is that those of us who cope more successfully with our problems have such a map of the world that allows them to see the greatest variety of perspectives and choices. If you can separate your personality from what you do, you can easily see that you, as a person, are inherently perfect. But your behavior - the way you act - can be effective or ineffective in relation to the results you want to achieve. Knowing that you and your behavior are different helps you avoid unpleasant emotions and save your energy by directing your attention to checking your behavior and reactions, which you can change if they do not suit you. NLP based on the unique experience builds a unique interaction for each person. And thus helps to make the changes that a person wants to make himself. And it does it quickly, efficiently and, most importantly, environmentally friendly.