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Many aspects in life are important for a woman’s happiness: health, children, personal fulfillment, money, creativity, friends, and of course He, the man. After all, no matter how much we sometimes deny and deny: “No! This, apparently, is not for me!” Secretly, sometimes even from ourselves, we dream about the only one with whom it will be good and reliable, about the one who we can trust and tell everything, and he will understand and will not judge, will not betray, will not think badly of us, but on the contrary, he will support and caress, and then we ourselves will be able to “move mountains.” After all, the world actually rests not so much on men’s shoulders, but on our feminine energy. In the animal world, be it insects, birds or animals, a male tries to attract a female. Either he has a luxurious mane and a penis with spikes, no worse, or maybe better than modern condoms with rings and pimples, like a lion to satisfy a female, or a bright tail, like a peacock. Or is it a male dragonfly who is even willing to risk his life to demonstrate his courage to the female by diving into the flow of a fast stream with plenty of oxygen, which is necessary for laying eggs. And the male of the small bowerbird decorates his territory with bright berries, shells and flowers. And polar bears! The she-bear tests the male for endurance, deciding whether to conceive from him or not, which genes he will pass on to his offspring. He looks, decides, seduces.... For animals, everything is focused on reproduction, on the continuation of the species. But here too... We are also interested in continuing our family line. And whether our man can provide, feed his offspring, not abandon him, not go to another... So how do you understand if this is your man? It's actually simple. When you are not looking for another man. And when you understand that yes, this is He, MINE, with his own reliefs in character, with his own habits and misunderstandings (who doesn’t have them?), but still MINE, I need him and I want to be with him and don’t want anyone else another, then yes... And the question arises HOW, how to remain yourself, without dissolving in another and without losing your boundaries, how to love yourself too, not to forget about yourself, taking care of yourself. Understand yourself. After all, the better we understand ourselves, the better we understand others. Understanding and accepting yourself is something that will stay with you forever and improve the quality of your life. An anecdote :) A bull and a lion are resting. The lion's phone rings, he picks it up. “Yes, honey,” says the lion, “I’ll be there soon.” What am I doing? I'm relaxing with the bull. When will we finish? And we’re almost done – I’ll be running in a couple of minutes. What to buy? Yeah, okay, definitely - of course, I remember everything, I’ll buy everything! The lion hangs up and the bull laughs. Like, how is it that your wife called you, and you said to her: “Yes, yes, I’m already running, I’ll buy everything.” You can’t slam your fist on the table: they say, I’m a man, that’s all! And Lev answers him: “Dear bull, don’t get confused.” Your wife is a cow, and mine is a lioness. Moral: Love yourself. And respect. After all, the external always reflects the internal !