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Procrastination is an extremely common phenomenon. It should not be confused with laziness, which implies a refusal to do important things for the sake of idleness and idleness. A procrastinator does not give up work and important plans - he only puts them off until later. This can be expressed in the firm intention “to eat cake now, and tomorrow to go on a diet” or “in an hour I’ll sit down to work, but in the meantime I’ll watch a TV series.” As a result, important tasks are done hastily, at the last moment, and the time that was allotted for the task is wasted. As a result, neither rest nor a satisfactory result is achieved. As a result, the procrastinator only has stress, decreased performance, reproaches from colleagues, feelings of guilt and shame. Dealing with constant procrastination is a difficult process. Below I will give some tips on how to make it the fastest and most effective.1. Removing all distractions is the primary task in the fight against procrastination. If you sit down to work, there should only be a computer and a notebook on the table for notes. If you sit down to paint, then just brushes, paints and canvas. If you are going to go jogging in the morning, your sports equipment should be laid out so that you can immediately put it on and go out. The brain as a whole is designed in such a way that it knows that as a result of a certain activity it will receive a reward. From a physiological point of view, it doesn’t matter to him what it will be - pride in a job well done or laughter from a video with a clumsy cat. The body will always strive to expend a minimum of resources and effort to achieve the desired result - and here it is obvious that it will prefer watching a video to work, or a bar of chocolate to playing sports. That is why it is extremely important that there are no distractions nearby, and the brain cannot quickly switch to an easier option for getting pleasure. When you have already started work, it is important to remember that the same brain is not a supercomputer of unlimited power. He can't stay productive while holding huge amounts of information and working long hours. It is extremely important to unload it and give it rest. - Try to write down all the thoughts that come to you while working and capture your attention in a separate notebook/notepad - this way you won’t lose them, and you can think about them when you finish work. - Divide the hour into two periods of 40 and 20 minutes. dedicate 40 to work, and 20 to rest, so that your head can rest and not be overloaded during the day. - Don’t forget about perception - the brain will in every possible way avoid complex tasks, rightly believing that their implementation will take a lot of effort and will be inappropriate. Break your work into several smaller tasks, and this will make it easier for you to do them. A very important point is to draw up a list of tasks with the correct wording. Here I will just give an example of how the list should look like: - Incorrect:. Go to the shop. Work. Choose a movie for the evening. Play sports - Correct: . To do at work: - Create a table of article publications for June - Call Ivan Ivanovich, discuss issues of designing illustrations for the article - Prepare illustrations according to Ivan Ivanovich’s comment - Write an article on the topic “How to properly pet a wolf so as not to lose your hand.” Go to the grocery store on the corner of house No. 4 and buy: - Butter - Bread - Pasta - Water. Go for a run in the evening: - Do not drink caffeinated drinks or smoke 2 hours before class - Prepare equipment for running - Do a warm-up before running - Run 3 kilometers from home to the park, without stopping - Cool down after running And so on. Things need to be described as clearly and in detail as possible, even if you know what you need to do. This will make it harder for your head to convince you that, conditionally, you can not agree on the illustrations, or that you can smoke shortly before running, and then put it off, since running after smoking is harmful. The Eisenhower Matrix will allow you to sort things by their urgency and importance. Actually, you are asked to divide a sheet of paper into 4 equal blocks..