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As a psychologist-sexologist, I must consider every situation from both sides so that there is no one-sided judgment. And I know that men are not “gifts” either , and men can also be criticized for many things in their behavior. But if a man cannot make a woman happy in sex, then such a man will not read an article about it. This article examines ONE OF THE SIDES of a couple’s sexual life - an issue on which I am completely on the side of men. This is the cry of my soul after many years of practice as a sexologist! Article. In my practice, to my deep regret, such cases often occur - a woman, angry with a man and wanting to hurt him more painfully, says: “Your penis is small and, in general, you - impotent!" (and everything is fine with him). Or they just say this to keep the conversation going. I see upset, depressed men and I am ashamed of these women. Dear women! In my opinion, a woman who can say this to a man (even if it is true): - soulless - cruel - stupid Digression: This place in the article caused the most criticism. What if a man told a woman that her breasts are ugly (and she’s over 20+ and her breasts can’t change), he doesn’t like her weight, height, butt, hair and something else? What would you say about such a man? At the very least, boorish! and a bunch of other bad words. Therefore, a man can also think about a woman offending and humiliating his dignity (literally and figuratively). The qualities of a real woman, in my opinion, are: - kindness - compassion - empathy - spiritual generosity And a real woman cannot cause such pain to a man. Any normal woman, in my opinion, has taboos, which include: - criticism of the size of a man's penis - criticism of a man's sexual potential (time of sexual intercourse, quality of erection). If a man has a poor erection (and if, for medical reasons, he is fine), then one of the reasons is that the woman does not excite the man (as an object of arousal or as a bad lover). My advice to you: If you are not satisfied with something in the physical condition of a man (penis size, erection time) - either adapt to this man (strengthen the vaginal muscles, improve erection with blowjob, etc.), or look for another. If you are not satisfied with the size of your man’s penis, especially since your criticism will not make it grow. The more you focus your attention on a man’s sexual problems, the more this problem gets worse. The man becomes nervous, upset and absent-minded. Your relationship will not get better, that's for sure. And, besides, trying to restore his status as a good lover, he will look for a woman who will confirm this - and the size of her penis will suit her, and the erection time will suit her. And this will not necessarily be the case in reality. There are very clever women - they blow away specks of dust from a man even during bad sex (of course, this is the case when the man is wealthy and occupies a high position), instilling in him that such a sex giant has never existed in the world. As a result, such a woman takes her husband away from him. family, gives him the appearance of super sex and has his money in return. And for normal sex, he can find a lover. Or a man meets a woman who is indifferent to sex and sex once a month for one minute does not make a problem. So, by criticizing a man’s potency, you risk losing him in any case. If you something doesn’t suit you in a man - either adapt to this man (strengthen your vaginal muscles, improve your erection with blowjobs, etc.), or look for another. Therefore, dear women, let's take care of our men. If we don't take care of and support each other, then what is the meaning of our lives? PS In response to many critical comments: I myself am personally in favor of relationships in which the woman is feminine, soft, gentle, harmonious, resolves everything peacefully (not a wimp - she can stand up for herself and her dignity). And happy and joyful. In such a relationship, the woman inspires the man,!