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Falling in love during adolescence is the most emotional, the most euphoric. It seems that we will never experience or survive this again. Many people believe that that first thing was the real thing, when it wears out, when it tears at the soul... Meanwhile, youthful love has been quite well studied and operates according to certain patterns. Having learned the logic of building vibrant relationships, you can repeat the same sensations that you once experienced. Good swing? I wonder how to use your actions to achieve maximum euphoria in a relationship, the utmost emotionality that was available in youth?..... Let's begin... Stage 1. First meetings, first live communication, mutual interest. What not to do: -play the role of an ideal woman (man) fictitious in your head. Show your inaccessibility or, conversely, lay out all the troubles of your life. What you need: - show maximum interest in the interlocutor, instead of filling your head with thoughts about how much he (she) likes me. It is important to focus completely on the interlocutor, and not on yourself. Don’t be afraid to show your positive emotions, joke, behave as naturally as possible, and share only joyful incidents from your life. If your meetings were filled with joy, then positive reinforcement is formed in the mind: I am happy with this person, I feel good, I want more. A conditioned reflex is formed: if I see her (him), it will be fun (stable cause-and-effect relationship). ....NextRelationships develop, the novelty wears off a little and it is necessary to add some color.2. Stage. Forming a deficit of you in relationships. My favorite expression: it’s better to “under” than “over.” More specifically: a meeting, in the midst of it, and then you remember that you need to leave urgently. Sadness - he (she) says, “What a pity,” then you answer: “I really don’t want to either, but I need to,” and for another 10 minutes (note that these 10 minutes will be as saturated with emotions as possible) you are together. You can simply disappear for a day, and then after his (her) very sad message about how much he (she) misses you, answer the next day with full dedication (me too, I missed you so much, but this is how it happened...) .In this way, you will maintain the effect of novelty. The main thing is not to forget that all these are elements of the game, in order to saturate the relationship with colors. You don’t need to disappear for a week and then appear, you don’t need to silently run away after sex. And it will happen! happiness to you! Alternating open dialogues, trust and play is what will involve you and your chosen one in a relationship. In the first stages, the task is to involve and saturate your relationship with good emotions as much as possible. Brightness, joy, openness, drama are what are in it. youth was natural. Now we can provoke the same thing!.