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From the author: When you live for a long time or date a person, sometimes it is very difficult to understand whether the love between you is “real” or not. They say that these are sure signs that your feelings are sincere, and you need to fight for them.1. He (s) regularly upsets you, but you continue to tolerate it. This person may not yet understand that you are always right. And every time he does something stupid, you just want to tell him that he is stupid or insensitive. Sometimes you even want to scream about it. You even say: “How I hate you”... But time passes, and regardless of past disappointments, you continue to be together. Probably because you can no longer live without each other.2. You don't care what you talk about. You can chat for hours on completely meaningless topics. If you don't get annoyed when you talk to him about the weather, then he's your guy.3. You made your life difficult for his/her sake. Being in relationships with people is not easy. Sometimes there is a long distance between you. Sometimes you are too busy to listen to his complaints. Sometimes you feel like the Universe is doing everything to break you. Or give up the relationship. However, you are not ready to change anything. You are ready to follow your loved one even if living with him will be ten times harder than without him. You are ready to take time off from work, forget about important matters and meetings, not sleep the night before the big day - and all in order to meet him at the airport. If something like this has happened to you, it means you are close to “your” person.4. Are you ready to run his errands? We don't like to do things that weren't part of our plans. And we still go shopping with her, or go fishing with him. Just to be close. You fulfill his requests and instructions even when they seem completely stupid to you.5. You are not ashamed of your body next to him. Most of you will never allow yourself to fart in the presence of strangers. But next to your loved one - you’re always welcome! She may scream heart-rendingly because you didn't use the hood in the toilet. And then it will still wait until the unpleasant smell disappears. And nothing will happen to you for this. If you even learn from this to laugh together, it means you really love each other. What kind of embarrassment could there be here? After all, you probably don’t deny yourself a little pee while she’s in the shower!6. Two minutes is enough If he calls you at night and talks to you for only two minutes - even 30 seconds! - you will already be happy. You always laugh louder when you're around him. One minute of his attention is very expensive!7. You regularly yell at each other. You even like it when he yells. After all, he cares. That's why you shout often with him: sometimes in anger, but more often with joy. If people never argue and never yell at each other, most likely they are not together for love.8. When you're together, it's never a waste of time. There are days when you both are too lazy to get out of bed. You can just watch TV together. And still you won’t feel like you’re wasting your time. And all because every hour spent together is an hour spent “on yourself.”9. You constantly have a lot of questions for him. It doesn’t matter what those questions are. How to calculate taxes correctly? How long does the Kyiv-Lviv train take? When will this damn letter arrive? You constantly ask him about something, although you know that he is not an expert in this matter. And yet, before you look for the answer to your question on the Internet, you still ask him first. Whenever you ask yourself some questions, you think, how would he answer them? Congratulations: this is love!10. You constantly remind him of yourself. Everything that happens in your life is reflected on him in one way or another. When you learn something exciting, you immediately call him or write to Skype about what you learned. You constantly feel the need?