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All of our relationships begin first in our head (although for the most part they remain there). A person forms a certain idea of ​​​​the ideal partner whom he would like to see next to him. In moments of fantasy, few people think about the fact that ideal people do not exist and each of us has our own shortcomings. Our ideas are formed from our own experiences. Starting from childhood, how parents treated each other, and how people in society generally build their relationships... If we observe an unpleasant experience, of course, there is a desire to change everything and go a different way, but more often people repeat the scenarios of their own parents. A person repeats a script because he expects others to behave differently. But the point here is not in others, but in ourselves, and we need to change our own behavior and attitude. A person behaves according to the same scenario, trying to shift responsibility for his life to others. No one will treat us better until we begin to treat ourselves better... Trying to avoid, a person begins to look for the ideal format for himself... fortunately there is plenty of it around - romantic films and books create a large number of illusions. A person tries to attach the created illusion to a potential partner, expecting him to behave in a certain way. But every time these illusions are shattered into smithereens due to unjustified expectations. As a result, some say: “we don’t get along in character... they don’t appreciate me, they don’t notice me...”. Others ask questions: “how to change a person... how to make him (she) be the way I need...” And what kind of person do you really need to be? It is IMPOSSIBLE to change another person, you can only accept him as he is... and if you can’t accept him, let him go... Most relationships and marriages fall apart because of unjustified expectations, because of the illusions that people create for themselves. When you follow the path of illusions, it is just an attempt to build a relationship with your fantasy, and not with a real person. Living in illusion is the expectation that your life will be made wonderful for you, without any effort on your part. Relationships are a mutual responsibility. In a relationship, no one is obligated to make anyone happy. If a person is unhappy, it is unlikely that the presence of another person will somehow change this condition. In a relationship, we can share our happiness without expecting anything in return - any expectation of a response destroys the relationship. If a person does something for his partner just for the sake of profit, this is a road to nowhere... It is important to remain free in a relationship. I mean inner freedom, that is, always remain yourself, be sincere and not strive to change another person. Two people should not suppress each other or dissolve in each other, but rather support and help develop, move forward as two equal partners, each with their own responsibilities. To build adequate and harmonious relationships, you first need to build a relationship with yourself, and then try to build a relationship with another person. When you learn to understand your desires, feelings, get rid of illusions and find yourself, you will be able to build adequate relationships with anyone. The main thing in a relationship is that desires and views coincide. You can make an appointment by calling +7 962 855-01-69 Whats App, Telegram or via a personal message on the website.