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From the author: How to master the world correctly)) - a new issue of my newsletter. I invite you to a discussion! Hello, friends! Well, the New Year's madness is over, the salads have been eaten, the fireworks have been set off and even the most tasteless candies from the gift sets have run out, it's time to work. I hope that in the time that has passed since the last issue, you have already learned to read oratory, and now the need to quote a piece of text from a sheet of paper during a speech will not turn you into a representative of the most boring genre possible in oratory - a boring “talking head”. By the way , it’s time to talk about the genres in which the speaker most often works, or rather, about their features and how to use these features with the greatest effect. It is no secret that all the enormous wealth of various public speeches can be roughly divided into several main genres - primarily, according to the goals that their authors set for themselves. One of the most common genres that we encounter almost every day as listeners is informational speech .Informational speech (IS) is a speech that gives the audience a certain amount of information about a certain topic or is educational, teaching them something. The topics of IW can be very diverse: - objects and objects, - events, - people and places associated with them, - explanations of how something happens, - explanations of how to do something, - ideas, - reports, - research results - and so on. What are the features? IV, for all its, at first glance, simplicity, is not such an easy genre. To be successful in it, it is important to remember some features. A good IE must find high-quality answers to three “challenges” at the same time - and be able to combine a) the complexity of the topic, b) the level of the audience and c) the time available. If you get one thing wrong, you won’t see success. In addition, it is important to clearly set goals - what we want from the audience based on the results of our IV. If you just need them to learn something, that’s one thing. But if we expect viewers to be able to take advantage of new information and improve their intellectual or professional level, that’s another matter. Different goals – different preparation, different presentations. Information usually has its own internal structure and the logic of this structure. Well, the outline of your speech should be built accordingly - otherwise it will be very difficult or completely impossible to explain the information clearly. If we do not see this structure, this does not mean that it does not exist. Rather, it means that it is too early for us to speak on this topic). How to prepare. When preparing for the IW, it is important, as we have already said, to take into account the characteristics of the audience - is the chosen topic suitable for it, what do people already know about it, what do we have new for them. Depending on the level of the audience and the time allotted for the presentation, we need to consider the balance between the breadth and depth of the information we are going to give. Any information becomes much more convincing and clearer when we accompany it with explanations and confirmations. Therefore, it is useful to find and prepare accurate and varied justifications and illustrations of what is being discussed - statistics, memories, testimonies, expert opinions, interesting examples. It’s good when they are clear, precise, effective and do not clutter up the main ideas, but strengthen them. You should organize your presentation simply and logically, choose a structure for presenting the material that will help explain everything as clearly as possible, especially if the topic is completely unfamiliar to the audience. Let the introduction show the audience the importance of the new knowledge and help them understand where and how it interacts with the old, let the parts of the speech line up logically, let the subsequent clearly follow from the previous and all together add up to an understandable overall picture. If the viewer at the end of the speech can sum up the results themselves or draw the necessary conclusions from the information just received, then we have structured the speech successfully. How to speak. What do you think is the difference between a specialist who knows something very well and.