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HOW TO UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE DEPRESSION? Where is the line when “just a bad mood” and “just laziness” turn into a serious life-threatening illness? Bad mood, depression, sadness, melancholy , anger, irritability - all this can be normal mental reactions and occurs periodically in the life of every person. If the intensity of experiencing emotions is proportional to the situation or stress that a person is currently experiencing or their intensity corresponds to the usual response to any stressors, then we are not talking about depression (but may also require help). If the decrease in mood is more pronounced than before, or acquires new shades and depth, drags on for a longer period, is accompanied by apathy, increased fatigue, loss of interest in those activities that previously gave pleasure, then you should be wary. Often during depressive states, people note that energy seems to disappear, flow away and any usual actions (cleaning the house, cooking, washing the body) become difficult to perform. What additional symptoms may indicate the development of a depressive state? Apathy; Decreased interest or pleasure in activities that are usually pleasant for a person; Decreased motor, social and other activity; Impaired appetite , refusal of food (in some cases overeating); Weight loss; Background anxiety, motor restlessness (agitation) against a background of increased anxiety; Intrusive thoughts, often self-blame, self-deprecation; Reduced self-esteem and feelings of self-doubt; Thoughts about the low value of life, suicidal thoughts, intentions, attempts; Unreasonable mood swings, tearfulness, severe sadness; Somatic symptoms (pain, heaviness, discomfort in the body) - however, examinations do not find pathology; Difficulty concentrating, memory problems; Sleep disturbances (insomnia or very long sleep); Decreased libido; Mood is worse in the morning. If you observe similar symptoms in yourself or a loved one, you need to consult a specialist! Don’t delay, try to “pull yourself together,” or expect that “it will pass.” This condition requires a professional approach to stabilization. Since depression is one of the most dangerous mental illnesses with a high risk of mortality (more than 10%)! If you feel the need, you can sign up for a consultation in person or online by writing to me on Telegram or WhatsApp: 8-985-111-61-23. Or through the website platform. Take care of yourself! Your doctor, Kristina Gareeva