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Nowadays, the concept of civil marriage is becoming increasingly important. What is it? How to detect and cure? So, that long-awaited prince sent to you by fate has appeared in your life. Your relationship develops in all the right stages: you meet, spend weekends together, meet friends, become part of each other's lives. But at some point you realize that the time you spend together is absolutely not enough for you and it would be nice not to separate at all and be together all the time. Voila! Congratulations, you are moving to the next stage and the suitcases with your things are already in his apartment (or vice versa). Everything is very sweet and touching, terribly romantic: your toothbrushes are nearby, the toilet paper in his bachelor apartment is no longer gray, and pink with a pleasant aroma of peach (his friends even noticed this and thanked you), now you don’t have to worry that he’s hungry or that he’s not dressed for the weather. In general, now you are close and there is only a bright future ahead, in which you see yourself married to your prince and have already even managed to come up with names for all your children. All you have to do is wait a little, check your relationships in everyday life and everything will come true (your parents or friends told you so). But time passes, and your prince is in no hurry to make you a legitimate princess and the coronation does not happen. How so? A woman voluntarily, in a state of euphoria from the fact that she is no longer alone, but there is a man nearby whom she is now afraid of losing, puts on the reins of her wife and gallops off to fulfill all marital obligations, entering the image of an ideal wife. Your prince, rejoicing at such a gift of fate, jumps on you and you carry him on your back through all the hardships and troubles of life, giving him the most juicy and priceless years of your life. What's wrong with that, you ask? But the fact is that marriage is a mutual reinforcement of your life choice, the person with whom you want to spend your life. This is the next stage to which the relationships of people who are developing should reach. This is the confidence that you have been chosen and you have also chosen, which is supported not only by nice words and promises, but also by legislation, which gives you confidence in the future and the opportunity to take responsibility for you and your prince for your decisions. If the legalization of the relationship does not occur ( and this question begins to arise more and more often in your bright head, when you once again prepare him his favorite pie or sew up his socks), then the woman begins to feel some uncertainty, incompleteness of the process, dissatisfaction and misunderstanding of what place she occupies in the life of her prince . She begins to find out the reasons, kicks, rushes from side to side, and the prince begins to feel uncomfortable riding her. At first, he lovingly promises and whispers in your ear, stroking the back of your neck, that everything will be fine and lists you a list of demands or excuses, hoping that you will calm down and continue to ride him. When this stops working and the question of marriage still continues to arise, He has to get off his horse, which until then unconditionally carried out all the subtleties of horseback riding, and take action. One of the measures, as you understand, will be what is usually done with driven horses (do not forget that I am speaking in metaphors), and then some new impeccably obedient filly will carry him into the future. After all, he is a prince and millions of women will line up (that’s what his mother told him). And you will be left lying on the forest edge and licking your wounds on your own, because no one promised you “for better or worse.” But this is the sad end of the fairy tale about the prince .There is one more. Jumping off the horse, the prince discovers that all this time he was carried on her shoulders by a small, fragile princess, and admiring her endurance and fortitude, he understands that he never wants to miss her for anything in life, he kneels down and says these magic words “You will be my wife” ...And we don’t know how long they lived happily, but each of them took responsibility, the role of a husband and.