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Part 1 – Meeting. Ekaterina, an energetic and interesting woman with sad eyes, came to the consultation. She is confused in her relationship. It is completely unclear who is right and who is wrong. What is the best thing to do to save your family, without offending your mother-in-law and mother, and also without losing yourself. Using Katya as an example, I will show what is hidden from our view. But at the same time it causes pain and suffering in family relationships. It all started a few years ago when Katya met Andrey. This was the man she had been waiting for all her life. She was 28, he was 32, well-established and, as it turned out, common views and interests attracted them to each other more and more every day. They could spend hours together, and somehow almost immediately they began to have some further common plans for future. What actually stands behind the meeting of a man and a woman to create a couple? There is some kind of unresolved story in the girl’s family (as in any family). Let's take, for example, the story of her mother's separation from her former partner, after which her mother was left with resentment, disappointment, and the persistent conviction that men are all traitors. Perhaps the mother also carries not only her own personal story, but also repeated someone else’s story that happened in past generations. Her daughter, a young girl, unknowingly carries part of this story. What do you mean, carries part of this story? These are the feelings that my mother was not able to live through to the end in order to take a step within to complete the separation from her former partner. And now this girl meets a guy who in his family system, his parents, ancestors had a similar story. When such a meeting occurs, the guy and the girl, inside, completely unaware of it, see these excluded stories. For example, the incomplete story of a woman (or mother) for a girl, and the incomplete story of a man (or father) for a guy. And these stories attract young people to each other, because at the moment in these systems there is not only this story, but also a certain resource so that this story begins to be resolved in the next young generation. The story from her family system fits like a key into a lock. Where is the castle - a story from his family system. The whole process is not conscious to us. And of course, there is usually more than one story. But more on that later. Part 2 – Falling in love. Katya spoke in detail about her relationship with her husband. About how they met and she “understood immediately - it was him, it was him she had been looking for and waiting for all her life.” How the whole world was filled with new light, life itself with new meaning. She met a “kindred soul,” “a dear, close person,” whom it seemed “she had loved for a long time, even before they met.” And so, when these two met, what was not completed in their parental family systems, something is resolved through them at the moment of the meeting. And when she looks at him, she sees some kind of excluded story, and when he looks at her, he unconsciously also sees some kind of excluded story of hers. The moment both partners let the other into their lives, feelings arise between them and the relationship begins with an unconscious acceptance of what was once excluded. As a result of this, there is a resolution that happens on its own, only because both have met each other. As a result of this resolution, a lot of energy is released, the person’s state changes, he is filled with new joyful, euphoric, positive, positive emotions, which we perceive as falling in love. And this is the state when you want to fly, sing, create, when that state becomes available that was not available when this person was not in your life. This state lasts for a certain period, usually about a year, and as a result of the fact that a lot of energy is released, a lot of strength is added, and then.....a new excluded story arises in the relationship. There is energy, which means there is strength to resolve what is still excluded. And then the power that was behind falling in love begins to flow into a new one..