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How to treat neurosis? Perhaps this is the most common question that users of forums and social networks ask me. I will try to answer this question in as much detail as possible. Let's start with the fact that a person is considered as a system, as a bio-psycho-social model. Therefore, the treatment of neurosis is approached from these three sides. Let's consider each of them. Bio - Everything that relates to the biological component of a person.1. Sports and activity are a very important component in the treatment of neurosis. Swimming, fast walking, running, team sports, dancing, cardio exercises, etc. Man was not conceived as a sitting and lying creature, otherwise he would not have limbs. For centuries, human life has been associated with hard physical work. In our age, you no longer need to run after a mammoth, climb trees, chop wood, or do laundry by hand in an ice hole. But a person has plenty of energy for all this and it must come out somewhere, and it’s better if it happens naturally, and not through a panic attack, for example. In the process of playing sports, the cardiovascular system is strengthened; endurance increases; metabolism improves; muscles are trained; cortisol, a stress hormone, is utilized; serotonin, a mood hormone, is produced; and dopamine, which is responsible for pleasure. We can say that sport is a natural antidepressant and anti-stressant.2. Get adequate sleep, at least 8 hours a day. 3. Work and rest schedule, it is not for nothing that our legislation indicates a 40-hour work week.4. Rejection of bad habits. Nicotine activates the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system, which promotes vasospasm, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, etc. Everything is clear about the harm of alcohol, and even more so of drugs. It is not uncommon for the first panic attacks to occur while taking drugs.5. Good nutrition.6. Relaxation procedures: massage, hydromassage, SPA, etc.7. In some cases, it may be necessary to prescribe medications at the initial stage of treatment. With subsequent cancellation at the end of the course of psychotherapy.-Psycho-In the CBT paradigm, work with the psychological component of neurosis looks something like this: Stage 1. Symptom-centered therapy. At this stage, we analyze the symptoms, study and apply relaxation techniques, self-help methods, reduce tension, and along with it anxiety. We are engaged in psychoeducation. Stage 2. Working with automatic thoughts. We identify and learn to challenge them. This includes our favorites: “What if?”, “What if?” Using various techniques, we correct thinking errors such as: Catastrophization; Personalization;Overgeneralization; Black and white thinking; Predicting the future; Labeling; Downplaying the positive; Concentration on the negative; Mind reading, etc. More details about thinking errors. We use behavioral techniques to correct behavior. They include relaxation techniques, various behavioral experiments, exposure techniques, behavioral techniques to help overcome certain difficulties, etc. Stage 3. From automatic thoughts we reach the next level, identifying intermediate and deep beliefs. These are different attitudes and obligations. Defining cognitive schemas. They are the basis of neurosis, and force a person to experience stress in certain situations, which subsequently leads to emotional and physical stress, triggers anxiety and fear, which sometimes develops into panic attacks. More than one pattern can be identified, and the more of them, the more severe the neurosis and longer psychotherapy. We identify unfulfilled needs and intrapersonal conflicts. The work is carried out using various techniques that are selected individually. - Socio Social connections and interactions are considered. Family, love relationships, professional activities, child-parent relationships. It may happen that a person is in a toxic relationship, works in a job he doesn’t like, cannot separate from his: +7 911 734-74-31