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It’s human nature to not pay attention to what is familiar and nearby, even if it is very important. People’s attitude towards their breathing is one of the clearest proofs of this. Our life begins with the first breath and lasts as long as we are able to breathe. But we do not pay any attention to our own breathing. Well, maybe we’re just trying to refresh it (as the advertising encourages us). And as soon as some “guru” urges us to listen to our own breathing, we are immediately amazed - how come we didn’t notice such obvious things before, how we were breathing incorrectly until now! I remember that centipede who was asked how she manages with her forty legs. And she thought about it, and she stumbled. But each of us breathes quite well. And the fact that you are now reading this article is a good confirmation of this. But if you focus on this topic, you will see that breathing exercises and practices, in one form or another, exist in all sports, health, and even psychological systems, and are also used in the training of singers, actors, divers and many other professions. And here’s the peculiarity - no matter how you look at the manual for some system, you immediately read: “breathing according to ... is the most correct breathing in the world!” But often the systems are very different, and there are directly opposite ones - with deep or shallow breathing, exhaling through the nose or through the mouth, at a fast or slow pace. And who is right? Under normal conditions, the human body itself successfully regulates vital processes. In this we are like all the creations of nature. And therefore, for each individual organism there is no “right” or “wrong” breathing. In a normal state, a person breathes not the way he wants, not the way that is “useful” for him, but the way his body now needs it, because this way it is more profitable and easier for his body to ensure its existence. It may be wrong to breathe through your mouth, but what to do if your nose is blocked? A healthy person breathes correctly. And when he sleeps, and when he carries heavy things, and when he gets angry. And even when breathing seems to stop on its own or quicken on its own. But a patient with a runny nose, if not cured, will not breathe correctly. He breathes as much as his body can. However, it is not for nothing that man is the “crown of nature’s creation.” And it is he who is given the opportunity to arbitrarily regulate this most important physiological process - breathing. And since this opportunity is given, it means it is needed. And we must use it. And breathing has become one of the ways to control your own body. Various methods, systems, and sets of exercises have appeared. And if you want to try any breathing practice, remember a few main points. The main thing. You only need to change something (including your breathing) if you are not happy with something in the current situation. The old proverb – one does not seek good from good – is absolutely right. If your body works great (or you are happy with how it works), don’t mock it. It’s unlikely that you need to change your life for the better; it’s already good. Decide what you want. This is the key point in choosing a system or technique. The essence of the difference in them is precisely in the purposes for which these or other exercises are intended. It’s one thing when you want to achieve calm and clarity in your head with the help of breathing, and quite another when you want to increase your vocal range with the help of breathing exercises. Follow the instructions carefully. If you have chosen a technique that has proven itself to have lasting results (and this is exactly what you should choose), then remember that the authors and adherents achieved these results only because they followed a proven technique. Don’t bring your own “author’s vision.” If difficulties arise, consult a specialist. He knows why your difficulties arise and what can be done about it. Remember the state of your body at the moment, its capabilities and resources. Of course, they are almost unlimited (or maybe not almost). Although!