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Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects. organs and systems of the body, as well as the current state of their functioning. The heat came, as always, unexpectedly for us, and we, northern people, perceive it differently. It all depends on our state of health and state of mind. Someone lies on the sofa, complains about the stuffiness and does not go outside. Someone jumps joyfully, looks on the Internet for interesting water events that can be visited in the city in the summer. What can I recommend to you? Drink more water, juices and eat fruits. Don’t drink coffee and black tea, but gradually switch to green, herbal and hibiscus tea. If you level out the pressure, you will feel better. Do not walk under the scorching rays of the sun, wear sunglasses, use protective cream for your face and body. Don't neglect Panama hats and caps. In June and July, hot water is turned off in the city and many of us suffer because of this. It's good that this now lasts no more than two weeks. Some people have a water heater at home, while others have basins and buckets that you need to somehow make friends with during this period. Not every person can afford an air conditioner and a fan. Cardiovascular diseases are a group of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, which includes coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular diseases, rheumatic heart disease and other pathologies. What to do if all the windows are open, but the house is still stuffy? I recommend putting a damp cloth on your neck, washing your face more often, and wiping your face and body with ice cubes with lemon, parsley or green tea. Try not to wear synthetic clothing that does not allow air to pass through. It is best to wear natural fabrics: linen, silk, cotton. Do not cover yourself with a blanket at night, sleep under a sheet. Don't create a draft. In summer you can get very cold, so don't open the window wide. Go out into nature more often, where there are many coniferous trees. Visit the sandy beach “Laskovy” in Solnechny and swim in the Gulf of Finland. You can have a picnic on the shore of Lake Kavgolovskoe. There are wonderful places there too. The memorable photographs you take during your travels and walks will lift your spirits. Read good books and think about good things! Take care of yourself and your health! Don’t overwork! Photo from the Internet (Solnechnoye/Laskovy, Toksovo/Lake Kavgolovskoye) Stress disrupts human activity, behavior, leads to a variety of psycho-emotional disorders (anxiety, depression, neuroses, emotional instability, low mood, or, conversely, overexcitation, anger, memory impairment, insomnia, increased fatigue, etc.). Distress (from English, distress - “grief”, “suffering”, “severe malaise”, “exhaustion”) - unfavorable stress, as a result of which the body’s defenses are depleted, which leads to a breakdown of adaptation mechanisms and the development of various diseases, even fatal outcome. Preventative healthcare (preventive medicine or prophylaxis) refers to a set of measures aimed at preventing the development of diseases, as opposed to treating diseases. https://clck.ru/rgu5Z Chronic stress negatively affects health; they rarely talk about its effects on the skin. And yet, when you are nervous, it is the skin - the largest human organ - that reacts first. https://clck.ru/rguPb Try to study material about harmony and creating a favorable atmosphere in the home, about the health of the psyche, soul, mind, body and longevity. Your knowledge will motivate you to a healthy lifestyle and you will want to remain young and beautiful for a long time. Take care of your health and get examined by a dentist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, ENT specialist, therapist, gynecologist, urologist, do fluorography, undergo an ECG and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. During the hot season, people most often experience unpleasant diseases associated with heart rhythm disturbances and many deaths occur.