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1. Put yourself at the center of your life. How is it? Make your desires, your well-being and its independent provision the main work task. Time, emotions, money into yourself. And the worse things are, the more.2. Overcome emotional dependence. To overcome the emotional dominance associated with a specific person or experience, the actual emotions relating only to the present experience in oneself must be quite intense. The sign, in fact, does not matter. It is better to try many and varied types of activities. The previous dominant will fade away faster, new acquaintances and new perspectives will definitely emotionally enrich life and strengthen self-esteem.3. Build a caring, respectful attitude. Be true to yourself: “Even if no one chooses me, I choose myself. Always.” This means learn to take care of yourself, protect yourself, rely on your understanding of the situation. Be sure to legalize your new self-attitude in society. Learn to earn what you want, not save. Do not ask or wait for clarification of the situation from another, but answer the question yourself - what was it? And rely on your own understanding of how careful it was in relation to you. Always remember the determination to rush to your defense, as a mother cat would do when meeting a dog.4. Correct your locus of control. Go within your boundaries. This means fully accepting your responsibility for your desires, expectations, choice of a partner and the way you communicate with him. Loyalty to yourself also includes self-support in moments of admitting your own mistakes.5. Seek support. Knowing how to ask for help and support is very important in a difficult situation. The main thing is to choose a resourceful, environmentally friendly environment of people close to you.6. Recognize the value of what you have lived. Thank, be sure to thank for the value that this experience and this person gave you. Otherwise it simply wouldn't be so important. Oddly enough, but it is after the recognition of love, tenderness, good, bright feelings that parting occurs easier. And it becomes easier to forgive yourself.7. Take back your positive transference. We all endow a little-known person with the most wonderful traits in the first moments of falling in love. It's like being reflected in a mirror. When we move away from the mirror, do we lose something there? You don’t know this person, this is your transference, your traits. The people to whom we give our sympathy, sometimes in advance, may change, but the ability to be so enchanted, to fall in love, and then to love will not escape you. The deeper the personality, the brighter the feelings. I would like to believe that over the years we become internally richer.8. Start living well. Be sure to start realizing the most charming hopes, sweet dreams and dizzying prospects that appear before your mind's eye from the anticipation of falling in love. A big trap is to wait for someone to start living a good, interesting life.9. Get rid of dangerous illusions. The big illusion is that somewhere there is your ideal soul mate. For an interesting, joyful life, it is important to learn to hear your needs and respectfully implement them. Accept and support yourself. Then this experience will greatly help you recognize and maintain relationships with Others. There is only one meeting with a real feeling in life. A dangerous illusion that forces you to endure an unworthy, exploitative attitude towards yourself. Society may be interested in controlling your personal life, according to certain principles, but this is your resource and you are responsible for it, and therefore make decisions.10. Write this story into your life as an enriching experience. Give yourself time to do this. Be sure to give yourself time to write this experience into your story and into your personality. Enter with love and respect for yourself, carefully. Care requires time and self-reliance. That's why psychologists give advice not to jump from relationship to relationship. To summarize, I want to tell you: - If you want, enter into"))