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From the author: An article about how not to make mistakes when making a decision? The article outlines some of the nuances that must be taken into account by a person making any decision. We make decisions all the time: at home, at work, in relationships, etc. Some of them only slightly affect the course of our lives, while others have global consequences. But one way or another, the “omnipresence” of the decision-making process forces us to take it quite seriously. How to make the right decision and not make a mistake? • Make a decision yourself. There are always plenty of willing advisers: it’s easy to give advice, because you have no responsibility No. Of course, it’s up to you to decide whether to listen to them or not, but you will also have to bear responsibility for the decision alone. Therefore, think ten times before listening to someone. If you really need it, ask for advice, but always make the final decision yourself, no matter how much the advisers put psychological pressure on you with their experience, competence and insight. The fact is that the person who advises you something comes from his own state, from his life beliefs and experience. What he advises you suits him, and then theoretically, it is unknown whether he himself would do the same if he were in your place. If you are too unsure of yourself and think that you are not able to make the right decision yourself, ask others. But, at the same time, try to closely monitor how well other people’s recommendations resonate with you, never act in a way that does not suit you. • Be responsible for the decision you make. You will have to experience your decision and its consequences in your own skin. This may sound threatening, but we constantly experience the consequences of our own decisions, whether we notice it or not, accept or deny our responsibility. Therefore, give yourself a little time to think about everything: the details, the consequences, the necessary resources. Try to write down in writing in two columns your options for making a decision with pros and cons. By denying responsibility, a person becomes restless, anxious, fearful, he literally shudders at the thought of possible negative consequences. This is an immature position. A person who has consciously taken responsibility for the results of his decisions and actions is calm and confident.• Anticipate the consequences. This is not difficult. Although, of course, a person simply cannot predict everything, he can look two steps ahead. It is worth thinking about what consequences of actions are most likely, whether they are desired or not and, accordingly, adjust your tactics and decisions depending on your goals. What if you still missed and made the wrong decision? The correct attitude to the problem is important here. Consider the current situation as an invaluable experience. Do not reproach yourself for a mistake. You cannot return the past, and self-flagellation will not correct anything. If your decision had negative consequences for other people, admit the mistake (even though this can be very difficult) and, if possible, correct the situation. This is much more productive than carrying around a burden of guilt for years. If you make a decision and it doesn't seem right to you, don't beat yourself up. Try to treat this as a good experience, now you know that it would be better not to do this. But keep in mind that you do not know how the situation would have turned out if you had acted differently. Often the other choice only seems more desirable. If we treat all our actions consciously, act not impulsively, but think a little, then perhaps the question “How to make the right decision?” will disappear by itself. Because there are no right or wrong decisions, there is a Path that you choose to follow in order to gain your life experience. Good luck to you on your Path! Sincerely, psychologist Galina Nikishina.