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Dad can do anything! The father figure in the formation of a person’s character cannot be overestimated. Children are mainly raised by mothers. But the distribution of roles in the family traditionally and predominantly occurs in the direction of that mom deals with more everyday issues, participates in emotional life moments, and dad is more involved when it is necessary to use strength, perseverance, determination. Conventionally, the mother gets the baby ready for a walk and, tying the cap, smiles at him, says “oh, you are my baby” , and dad lowers and raises the stroller, fixes the wheel. This is very framework, but there are also biological, physiological and psychological prerequisites. All these nuances influence the child growing up in the family. The father is a source of life examples, role models, the figure who shapes: security, aggressiveness (as manifestation and courage) orderliness, acceptance of the divine child in oneself. The figure of the father is important from the point of view of going through the crisis of 5-7 years. During this period, children begin to be interested in gender differences, the process of identification begins, as well as an understanding of their role in the system of relations in the family. If the father in the family for some reason - or there is no reason, then the boy’s role in relation to his mother may be distorted. Also, during this period the girl is working on identity in relation to her role, accepting her father as her mother’s husband, gaining self-confidence in terms of female identity. Since there are ideal conditions for growth and development in nature is difficult to find, and most likely even impossible, then for ideal fathers, accordingly, one should not make an exception either. Moreover, accepting non-ideality can become a starting point for exploring oneself and finding ways to achieve harmony. In life, a person meets many people who can play an important role in the development and formation of supports that will increase self-confidence. What is meant here is that in childhood a child may have a coach in a section, a teacher, someone from the environment who can form an archetypal male image that can provide support and resource. In addition, working with a psychologist can effectively work on this topic.