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From the author: an article about resources and important steps that will help you cope in the event of an extremely difficult situation. Life is so arranged that sooner or later many of We have to face difficult life situations. Test time is coming! And our entire future life depends on how we pass these tests, whether we find the resources so as not to break down! upside down." When going through emergency circumstances, a person undergoes a reassessment of values. What seemed important becomes secondary or unnecessary. What was not paid attention to can become the most precious! A person begins to look at the world around him with completely different eyes. Many note a certain alienation, separation from this world, from what is happening around. They look at all events and people through the eyes of aliens. At this moment, feelings either become dull, and the person is not even able to monitor his own basic needs (shelter, food, sleep) in time, or, on the contrary, the person begins to feel much more acutely. And if you accidentally hit such a person with your elbow in public transport, he can “destroy” everything around him. Emergency situations and circumstances are different for everyone. Finding yourself in an emergency situation does not mean being captured by a terrorist. Although it is generally accepted that an emergency is a global disaster! This usually includes terrorism, earthquakes, floods, fires and wars. But, in my opinion, emergency situations are those situations that “knock” a person out of the usual flow of life. These are all those stressful situations that force a person to literally change something in his life (style, routine, order). As a rule, emergency situations arise when a person lives a measured life and is absolutely not prepared for such a “blow of fate.” And then “bang”, and right in the head, in health, in relationships, in the wallet! What to do, how to react, what to do? A person begins to rush from question to question, trying to clarify, understand, what step would be the most correct now? And now we will together try to find these most correct steps that must be taken step by step under critical circumstances in order to survive and preserve yourself whole, without succumbing to the destructive effects of an emergency circumstance. But first, a little more about such situations. What situation can be called extremely difficult? Some examples: - loss, loss of a loved one; loss of the only breadwinner in the family (death, divorce); - loss of a job in conditions of the general crisis of the country; loss of the main source of income; - loss of housing as a result of a natural disaster (fires, floods), or other emergency circumstances; - unexpected serious illness of a blood (close) relative (child, mother, father, spouse); severe own diagnosis; - severe (physical, psychological) trauma of a relative, which led to injury; actual trauma sufferedThe above are just some examples of extremely difficult situations. How do people cope with difficult situations? What does it depend on? People cope with difficult life situations in different ways. Sometimes more successfully, sometimes less successfully. The fact how successfully a person copes with an emergency situation for him speaks about the degree of his adaptive capabilities. And each person has their own adaptive capabilities and resistance to injury. Resistance to trauma (to an extreme stressful situation) depends on the nature of the injury, on the general state of health of the person, on the general resistance to stress of the body, on its character and attitude, on how social the person is. Recently, I myself had to find myself in an emergency situation for me. My mother suddenly and severely fell ill, despite her relative health. SheShe ended up in the intensive care unit unconscious, where she remained for more than 2 days. After resuscitation, my mother remained in the hospital for a little more than a week in serious condition. This test was not easy for me! The most difficult thing is that the doctors could not make a diagnosis for a very long time and did “unnecessary” manipulations with her. Now my mother is at home, recovering, but she is no longer the same person she was before her illness. I, of course, do not give up, and continue to do everything possible to restore my mother’s health. And my faith in a good outcome helps me! In such situations, you begin to better understand people who are experiencing similar or more serious difficulties. Where do people find the resources to not break, withstand the test, and remain safe? What steps will be the most correct in critical circumstances? Resources can be found everywhere! Internal resources are everything that we know how to do well (reaction speed, “cool” mind, the ability to find quick and high-quality answers to questions; the ability to quickly navigate in a difficult situation; the ability to keep oneself in good shape, the ability to relax; the ability to support and ask about support and much, much more). Internal resources are the core on which our personality rests. This is all our knowledge, this is all our abilities, all our life experience that we have acquired throughout our lives! Can the ability to listen, speak, meditate, cook, knit, or give injections be a resource? Yes, of course, these are all resources! And these resources can be more useful than ever in a difficult situation for a person. And it will be very good if, in a difficult situation for oneself, a person does not get confused, but finds within himself the most important internal resources, those that will help in this specific situation! External resources are all the useful things that we can found in the world around us. These are the people around us (relatives, colleagues, friends), these are nature and animals, these are social connections, the Internet, telephony, television, and much, much more. And it will be wonderful if, in a difficult emergency situation, every person can find suitable not only internal, but also external resources for themselves. Although, as practice shows, many simply get lost and stop seeing any resources at all. As people say: “Stupor sets in!” Or they do something, but not constructively, not what is needed in this situation. Well, finally, let's look at the important steps that are important to take in a critical situation so that the situation remains under our control, and not we are under its. Important steps: - take the most necessary first measures that will be acceptable in this particular situation (for example: first aid to a person; call firefighters, ambulance, police); - no matter how difficult it is, recognize the fact that this is with happened to me, and you need to live with it somehow, somehow cope. This may not be so easy to do in the early stages of a difficult situation. Very often people do not fully understand what is happening, do not believe in what is happening, do not accept what happened, say: “This cannot be”; - it is important not to hold back your feelings, to share your experiences with those who will understand; if possible, visit a psychologist, react to your strong feelings; - it is important to mobilize and correctly distribute your internal and external resources, everything that will be useful in a given situation, without panic and hysterics; - it is important to “do something without giving up” , what will mitigate this situation (without withdrawing into yourself, finding support in your environment, not forgetting about your basic needs (timely food, sleep); - in any situation, it is important to be able to find a little time for things that you like and that will help you benefits (sports, hobbies, meditation); - it is important to find time to think about your future life in order to weigh and reevaluate everything. To do this, in a calm state of consciousness, think about how you can organize your life more constructively so that. the difficult situation did not become even more difficult, but softened.!!!