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In this article I want to share my vision of the processes that happen to women every month and bring them considerable worries and troubles. It is known that at this time a real revolution occurs in the mood every woman knows firsthand. It is believed that emotional instability and depressed mood caused by hormones are in the order of things, and nothing can be done about it. As obstetricians say, “be patient, woman!” And some really “endure”... They try not to break down, not to scream, not to cry. And some even manage to do this. True, for the time being. And those who cannot “control” the desire to break a couple of plates ask themselves the question: “what should I do?” What to do with your mood, how to “protect” your household from the consequences of an emotional storm. And is it worth restraining yourself? I’ll try to answer these heart-wrenching questions: What happens to a woman during this critical period? A few days before the start of the cycle, girls and women suffer from a bad mood, emotions go through the roof, nothing pleases them, the body swells, “the gluttons attack” and it seems that nothing can be worse than this state. As one of my friends said, she “divorces” her husband every month, and moreover, on these very “critical” days. It is our husbands who get the most from us, and it is they who “take the blow” of our unstable emotional state. I will give an example of a dialogue between a wife and husband (or rather a monologue) that took place during this “critical” period. Non-fictional... - Will you eat, dear? No answer. - You will eat? - repeats the husband. - Oh, you keep repeating it! I wonder who appointed you as commander here?! And anyway, who are you?!!! Look, I've given up orders!!! Just think, I said nothing... Yes, I’m tired of cooking for you all!!! I have to work for you all day!!! And this one... came, you know, from work... And let’s give orders!!! I've completely lost my shame!!! And in general, if you behave like this, I won’t do anything at all!!! Prepare it yourself!!! - ?????????????????? - There is extreme surprise on the husband’s face. - And why are you silent? You upset me, and now you are silent???!!!... But when will this disgrace end???... And so on. If you think that this only happens to you during this ill-fated period, you are deeply mistaken. This happens to all women of childbearing age. And even if a girl doesn’t have a husband, she will find someone responsible for all her problems. These could be people from among your colleagues, it could be your mother, children, girlfriends, and just strangers in transport. Try to voice your problematic behavior. I once read that in one tribe, women, so that their husbands would not suffer, a few days before the start cycle they sail away by boat to a neighboring, empty island. Having survived the critical period, after a few days, happy and contented, they return to their families. Alas, this method of avoiding quarrels is not available to us. And even harmful. Therefore, as I see it, it is worth telling your husbands in advance about what processes are occurring in a woman’s body. The fact that during this period, hormones that stabilize our emotional background cease to be produced in the proper quantities, and that we cannot do anything about it. Alas. And that we hope for their understanding and endurance. Such preventive work should be carried out several days before the expected emotional riot, and the lecture must be repeated monthly. And mark an event in your women’s calendar - an educational lecture to your husband about the onset of a “most difficult” period in a woman’s life in the coming days. Allow yourself to be imperfect at this time. We, women, should stop judging and blaming ourselves for ugly behavior and think about this. The few days before the start of the menstrual cycle and the very beginning of the cycle are a cleansing period. At this time, the woman’s body is cleansed, and not only it. Through tears, not only and not so much salt comes out, but pain. The pain is emotional. Our negative emotions are precisely in