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Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife. They also had sons, they became adults and one day went to improve their lives. Then the woman became depressed. When there was life all around, then she had no time to think and grieve. And now what... She stopped loving her husband a long time ago, but somehow she didn’t want to leave. And I got used to it, and I didn’t want to lose the good. And my husband, too, is becoming more and more gloomy. Every day he swears and gets more irritated with her... And somehow the woman became sick of staying at home. She went for a walk around her village. He sees women sitting on the rubble, chirping. In another place other girls and women are sitting and weaving wreaths together. In another one they discuss books. And then the woman changed and became cheerful. And she told herself that she no longer needed a husband, she would have a neighbor. She allowed herself to live an interesting life. Today he learns songs, tomorrow he masters them. And when she gets tired, she goes to other women. I stopped paying attention to my husband’s nagging. And she was in a good mood, she prepared borscht and baked kulebyak. Will wash. The dust will be wiped away. Answers her husband politely but firmly. I’ll want to clean, but if I don’t, I won’t. And now it’s market time. A woman went to the market and saw beautiful rag toys being sold. I examined them carefully. And she wanted to sew the same elegant ones... She bought everything she needed and became interested in sewing. I sewed for a long time, until next year... It's time for another market. The woman brought her dolls there, and the dolls turned out beautiful, with warmth. So in half a day I sold everything. Perky and cheerful, she returned home with a sparkle, and to celebrate she set the festive table, she was all glowing and even looked younger. Her husband looked at her, let him think I’ll do the same, huh? He took out a file and boards and began to remember his youthful skills. So they began to do business side by side, at first in silence, then they began to joke and laugh. They warmed up to each other. Everything began to improve for them. When both are busy with work, it seems there is no time to nag each other. And she did not forget her friends, she visited them, and they visited her.