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Almost each of us often asks the questions: “How to find peace!”, “When will this happiness come in life?” Let's talk about this. When I hear questions about how to become happy, when these problems go away, when everything settles down and becomes calm, I think, first of all, that it is a great misconception to believe that there is peace in life. I once complained to a psychologist colleague that my lights burned out, my circuit breakers were knocked out, my wiring shorted, then my iron burned out, my lock broke, and all this within 1-2 days. And I didn’t have time to grab one thing, then another, a third... I can withstand it all, somehow cope, but I sit there complaining to my friend. I say: “This is this, then this, when will it all end?” She looked at me and said: “Larissa, this is actually a standard adult life. What did you want? And I think - really, adult life. Everything will be fixed and repaired. Of course, these are very banal things. Global difficulties, for example, separations, conflicts in the family, are, of course, more difficult to overcome than an electrical wiring breakdown. But this does not change the essence. Yes, life is a conflict, some struggle, effort and difficulties. These are the challenges we deal with every day. This is natural and natural, and occurs even in the animal world. Every organism strives for development. Human development lies in the fact that we cope with some life difficulties, tasks, problems, depending on how you call it. The essence is the same, but your attitude changes and depends on how you call it. And in animals, for example, a predator improves its hunting skills in catching prey every day. Herbivores improve their foraging skills every day. If one area runs out of something edible for them, they move to another. Animals do this because their body wants to live, and in order to live, it needs to develop. It's the same with people. You need something more - life has thrown complexity at you. Improve yourself, your qualities, your ability to withstand difficulties. We live only for this, and not for the sake of living in peace. I don’t think it was very good to live in Soviet times. People lived, perhaps, calmly. This, of course, is also very individual, everyone lived in their own way, but from this tranquility they degenerated. People did not learn anything more or new. And therefore, when the Soviet Union collapsed, many were left in a state of crisis. We couldn’t take this step because life at that moment did not encourage us to train our survival skills, improve ourselves, our qualities. Not everyone, of course, but most people are used to everything being calm and stable - work - home, home - work. Therefore, I think it is very good when life regularly throws us various difficulties, problems, conflicts. We learn to get out of them, become better, treat it differently. It's important to change your attitude. Ok, well, this is life, it’s okay, if I decide, it will be better, if I don’t decide, it will be somehow, in the end we won’t die. Very often people worry too much and worry if something happens in life. Such fear in most cases is disproportionate to the situation. Although, if you look at it sensibly, then it’s not that scary. Perhaps that’s all I wanted to say regarding this problem. Let us briefly formulate the most basic idea - there is no peace in life and no happiness in life. Happiness can only be within you. What you call happiness will be happiness for you. And life is life. We are moving, developing, striving for better and that’s good. You can watch my videos on psychology and psychotherapy here https://www.youtube.com/user/larisaBandura Subscribe to stay updated on my new articles