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From the author: Lately, I increasingly meet people who are dissatisfied with their work. I became interested in why people so often reject their activities, do not accept them, and scold them. In one city, a lonely man stood at the window of his apartment. Suddenly, outside the window, he saw an Angel, who touched him with his wing and whispered: “I know, you HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY to become a rich, respected man in the city, and the most beautiful woman CAN BECOME your wife!” The man began to WAIT for the words of the Angel to come true. 40 years have passed. The man again, standing alone at the window, saw the Angel and reproachfully asked him: “How can this be? You promised me everything, but none of this happened!” To which the angel replied: “I said that you WILL have the opportunity to achieve everything. Do you remember the friend who wanted to start a business with you and make money? You refused and waited for a miracle? Do you remember the fire where you did not save people, fearing for your future? And that blonde in the park whom you were afraid to approach? She could become your wife. YOU DID NOT TAKE ONE OF THE OPPORTUNITIES. Communicating with dissatisfied people, I found out that very often they are not happy with the situation in the team, lack of salary, “negligent” bosses and work schedule. In fact, all these points are very important. But I would like to draw attention not to external signs of dissatisfaction, but to internal ones. When a person chooses a profession or place of work, he is often guided by the size of the salary, the complexity of the work, and the number of additional benefits. But is this so important in a matter to which we devote almost half of our precious lives? How often do you ask yourself the question “What useful have I done for society today?” How often do you think about the question “Why am I working?” Lack of motivation at work is often associated with a lack of understanding of what a person is doing. What a powerful stream of unconsciousness envelops a person’s thoughts; he simply floats with the flow of current affairs, forgetting about the most important thing “What am I spending my life on.” Think before choosing a place of work: What would I like to do if all the doors were in front of me? were open to me? What job would I choose if I had a lot of money? What useful thing would I like to do at work? What do I like to do most? What abilities could I use at work? Why do I need a job? What is it like? - ideal job? Answering the last question, describe in more detail not only the type of activity, but also the team, management, your workplace, uniform, relationships in the team, work schedule, salary and everything that can even indirectly relate to that activity, in which you are ready to invest so much vital energy. Be frank and honest with yourself, accept any answer options, get to know yourself in the matter of work before applying for it. The more truthful your answers are, the better job you will find for yourself. And finally:) One day, graduates of a prestigious university who had made wonderful careers came to visit their old teacher. Boys and girls complained about numerous difficulties and problems. The professor treated his guests to coffee. But he poured coffee into completely different cups - expensive porcelain and crystal and cheap glass and plastic. When the graduates took apart the better cups, he said: “You took apart the best cups and left the cheap ones. And it’s normal to want only the best. However, this desire is also the source of problems. You should understand that a cup does not make coffee better, it is just more expensive. And sometimes an expensive cup hides a bad drink. In fact, it was not the cup that you wanted, but the coffee. Although, you deliberately chose the best cups and then considered who was for whom. what we got. Life is coffee, and work, career, money, position are cups, that is, they are just tools for maintaining life. And what kind of cup we have does not determine the quality of our life. It is worth concentrating not only on the cup. , but also enjoy the taste of coffee." Article author: Anna Baranova.