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Unfortunately, in our emancipated culture, the correct attitude towards women has been lost. She began to work as hard as the men, or even more. And at the same time, the function of having children and running a household remained. And instead of equality, we get such a “draft horse”, which is responsible for everything and saves everyone, but does not know itself as a woman. I help women who turn to me to feel their worth, to regain their lost sense of self-worth. After all, a girl, coming into this world, already has all the necessary qualities. She does not need to seek love and strive to become something special. She is good in herself, she has all the potential for creativity and love. She just needs help to open up. Accept her unconditionally, without any expectations that she should achieve something or repay her in any way. Feed a girl with love - and she will blossom and reward you a hundredfold. In previous posts, I touched in detail on such a common problem as female workaholism. Which comes from the desire “to be good, loved, needed.” And in the second part, using the example of parental attitudes, we analyzed how such a complex is formed. When a woman fulfills someone's order, she does not live her own life. And she pushes her own desires and needs into the far corner, where they are overgrown with the dust of hopelessness and the web of despair. Therefore, the restoration of lost femininity begins with working through childhood traumas, blocks and restrictions. First you need to help your inner girl grow. And when she “gets stronger” inside, the real Woman (with a capital W, I emphasize!) will be able to appear. And now, after working with a psychologist, the woman blossoms in a new way. And the attitude of close people towards her changes, sometimes very quickly! The first to notice changes in a mother are her children; they are usually very sensitive. Many of my clients, after 2-3 sessions, said that relationships with children became softer, and children were obedient. Then relationships with husbands, parents, and mother-in-law “tightened up.” Here you need more time to notice their response. But he doesn’t keep himself waiting long. And the woman is surprised to realize that she really is worthy of love and respect just like that, because she exists. And not because it brings a lot of benefit to society. Summing up this series of three posts, I want to say once again: You are worthy of love just like that, and not for something! After reading this, someone may think: “Well, that’s it, Let them now compensate me for everything they didn’t give me!” And I know women who, after reading such positive statements, begin to literally demand love from their loved ones... And they get exactly the opposite. After all, both you and your loved ones cannot change with the snap of a finger. Here you need to calmly, gently, but clearly understand and change the scenarios that have been driving you for so many years. Most often, this leads to the same calm and gradual change in the people around you. I invite you to a free 30-minute consultation, where we will figure out what can be done in your specific situation. To do this, subscribe to the newsletter using this link: https://vk .com/opencoaching?w=app5898182_-171700659 and fill out an application for consultation With love and care for you: Alexandrova MarinaFamily psychologist, life coach8-961-994-2968 WhatsAppTelegram