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Taste is the most pleasant of our senses, and the easiest way to receive pleasure. Among the variety of tastes, we distinguish five: sweet, bitter, sour, salty and umami (the taste of protein food).By the end of 3 months of pregnancy, the fetus already has taste buds. The child's taste preferences begin to form during intrauterine development based on the mother's preferences, through the amniotic fluid. An interesting experiment was conducted at the French National Center for Scientific Research. One group of pregnant women ate cookies and sweets with anise, while the second group did not. After birth, babies were offered a stick on which a drop of anise oil was applied. Babies whose mothers ate aniseed cookies during pregnancy responded to the stick and began to suck on it; and babies whose mothers did not eat anise did not react in any way. At a very early age, children prefer sweets. This is not surprising since amniotic fluid and milk both taste sweet. It is important to teach children a variety of tastes. It has been established that the wider the choice of products in the family, the more curious the child becomes. The sooner a child gets used to new tastes, the easier he accepts them; subsequently, this will help the child more actively learn new things, develop, and build social relationships. If a mother, in a warm atmosphere, talking with her child, treating him attentively, invites him to try new tastes, she will thereby develop in him not only an interest in learning and an emotional spectrum, but will also lay the foundations for a conscious, rather than instinctive, choice. Tastes learned in infancy remain in the brain forever. An even more important task is to teach the child to share food with others, make him feel part of the whole and help maintain this sense of community in the future. It is to teach, and not to force, not to label (greedy, bad, etc.), not to force to give in. It’s better to start simple, with your own example. Show that mom shares with dad the food she prepared, and dad shares with mom what he bought and brought, and this happens every day. Try to eat together, at a common table. Focus the child's attention on how nice it is for the one who received something from the child, and how pleased the parent is that the child did something nice for someone. Early education is very important. What we have not encountered will be much more difficult to evaluate and perceive. Larisa Artamonova, psychologist At psychological gatherings https://www.b17.ru/trainings/psychologyst_posydelki_online/ we will learn many more interesting things about perception and sense organs, which will allow us to reveal yourself new resources and opportunities