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Working with a psychologist is a very personal and intimate process. Therefore, there is an obvious problem in finding a psychologist when you have to make a choice based on profiles on psychological sites. I would like to share my thoughts on how to choose a suitable specialist. Recommendations from friends It can be difficult to understand through a psychologist’s online profile whether a specialist is suitable or not. It’s another matter if a psychotherapist is recommended to us: at least there is at least one person who was satisfied with working with him. If I have the opportunity to find a specialist through friends, then I use it and do not turn to the Internet. Websites on the Internet It is not always possible to turn to friends to find a good psychotherapist. And there is nothing left to do but turn to catalog sites for psychologists and psychotherapists. On these sites, as a rule, two types of specialists are clearly distinguished: psychologists and psychotherapists. From the point of view of these catalogs, they differ in education: psychotherapists on these sites always have a medical education, and psychologists have a psychological education. In my experience, it doesn’t matter at all who you turn to - a psychologist or a psychotherapist. (The exception is the case when you need to be prescribed certain medications. But then you should contact a clinic, not a private specialist.) When choosing, pay attention to where the specialist studied. I don't mean a specific university. Here it is important to look at whether the person studied for a long time to become a psychologist. This could be basic psychology education, or it could be long-term refresher courses, or it could be certification courses. One way or another, it is important here that a person during the learning process is immersed in a psychological environment for a long time, and does not “grab” knowledge in short-term courses. Long-term education has the advantage that it provides a “foundation”, a “base”. Price is another criterion that you can pay attention to. It should be considered a mistake that the more a psychotherapist charges, the more qualified he is. I have met those who charge a lot, but are not competent specialists. And vice versa, I have worked with those who do not charge very much, but show excellent efficiency. Just think about what expenses would be appropriate for you if you consider visiting at least once a week (although the option of once every two weeks is also possible). The experience of a psychologist can also be considered a parameter for selection. I would not recommend considering inexperienced psychologists. But those who have been working in their specialty for more than three years deserve your attention. The development of a psychologist consists of expanding the range of one’s competencies. In three years, he has already understood how to work with the main range of problems of his clients. And then he learns to work with related problems. On each website, the psychologist has a photo and text that talks about psychology. I recommend choosing those psychologists who are more attractive to you - it is always easier with people you like than with those who cause rejection. The gender of the psychologist can also play a role - not objectively, but subjectively. If you know in advance that it will be easier for you to work with a male psychologist, then look for one. The text about yourself that the psychologist offers can also be quite important. From it you can learn in what directions the psychologist works, that is, find out how he will work with you. If he is an art therapist, then you will be offered various kinds of tasks such as drawing something, making a collage. That is, an art therapist works with your emotions and states through (but not only!) the products of your activity. Body-oriented psychologists will invite you to express yourself and your states through physicality - you may be asked to dance. Symboldrama - work through symbols, through playing roles (for example, with the help of dolls). Psychoanalysis is a verbal tradition. Here two people seek to resolve difficulties through conversation.!