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We make appointments, plan various events, promise to be at my mother’s party, help a friend move, and other things. We determine the time and place, the content of the time spent, various conditions. But this is not enough for everything to go well and you get the desired result. How to plan your condition and be in shape? If you are triggered by an event that happened the day before You are distracted by an obsessive thought You are experiencing not the most pleasant emotions You are too excited, thoughts are flying around your head You feel tense You cannot concentrate Use a simple and working PRACTICE OF CONSCIOUS RELAXATION. Which you can use when preparing for an important conversation, a significant meeting, before a speech, and more. When you need to be emotionally neutral, focused, attentive and collected. The practice of conscious relaxation is not about “relaxing and falling asleep” or “relaxing and unwinding”. It is used to create a “working state” for yourself. Changes in the tone of your mood, well-being and behavior. Keeping your focus on what you need to do. No special location or equipment is needed to use this method. It is enough to give yourself a little time and get the result - the readiness to act according to the intended plan, without distractions. PRACTICE OF CONSCIOUS RELAXATION We conduct an audit of the body. Determine which parts of it are stressed? Consciously relax them. Fix, relieve tension. Find contact of your feet with the floor. Legs are our support! The legs should rest freely and completely on the full foot. Feel the sit bones. The way they rest on the surface you are sitting on. Relax your neck. Several slight turns of the head to the left/right. We relax our shoulders as we exhale. Exhale freely, through the mouth - lower the shoulders. Relax the lower back and allow the whole body to “flow” down into the support. Feel it through your sitting bones and feet. In such a relaxed bodily state, thoughts flow calmly. Ask yourself questions: - what am I feeling now? - what does this feeling signal to me? - what need of mine awaits satisfaction? - how can I satisfy it? Notice the appearance of clarity in your head, a feeling of calm, a surge of strength. Subscribe to my telegram channel https://t.me/KarpovaLineI'm always in touch)