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“I don’t have time to do anything!”, “There’s so much to do, I don’t know what to do!”, “I didn’t have time to do anything again!” Is this familiar? Are you giving up? No problem. There is a solution. These 5 recommendations will help you structure your affairs on your own: 1. “Eat the elephant in parts,” i.e. break down large tasks into smaller, more realistic ones. For example: the task of reading a book (500 pages) may seem overwhelming given the frantic pace of life and lack of time. Transform this task: read 10-20 pages a day. 2. Plan!Make a schedule and use short and long term planning, i.e. It is important to make a clear and understandable plan and follow it. Reading 100 pages in a week is short-term planning. Read 5 books in a year - long-term. Write the plan on paper, in notes, and keep it handy. 3. Praise yourself for small achievements, do not devalue efforts and do not scold yourself if something does not work out. Remember that you may not succeed the first time and that's okay! Continue at your own pace. 4. Have a supportive environment. This is very important, especially if you are trying something new. If you are planning to start running after work or want to open your own business, it will be useful to find like-minded people who are doing the same thing or already have experience in solving such problems. Master classes, training programs, mastermind groups, running clubs - there are a lot of options now, look for those who are on the same wavelength with you and can support you when it is difficult and rejoice at your successes with you. 5. Take an inventory of tasks. What is yours, what is imposed from the outside? This is perhaps the most psychological thing. It often happens that we cannot start or cope with a task because it is “not ours.” Analyze, is this really YOUR desire or is it imposed from the outside by someone else? Your parents wanted to see you as a successful businessman, but do you want to be creative? Or have you been brainwashed by successful success and now you are chasing other people’s ideas about a wonderful life? Perhaps some of the unsolvable problems will disappear by themselves after such an analysis and it will become easier to breathe. Following these simple recommendations will help you streamline your activities and not drown in the chaos of tasks. Share in the comments what you learned new for yourself or what you are already using) And if it doesn’t work out yourself - welcome to me for a psychological consultation, let's figure it out together! Anna Yakovleva. Psychologist-consultant. To sign up for a consultation: +79263738643[email protected] skype: yakovleva.a.sFull or partial copying of the materials of this article is permitted only with the obligatory indication of the author and a direct hyperlink to the article https://www.b17. ru/article/slona_po_chastyam/