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Often there are situations when we are in the company of people (for example: a wedding / birthday / taxi ride), and we want to get to know each other, talk to someone or just share something ... So, here are the BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CONVERSATION WITH A STRANGER OR A LITTLE-FAMILIAR PERSON: ... so as not to repel and “not push” him with your behavior to feel comfortable ① When talking, you should not be concerned about the person’s status, any of his achievements, appearance, age, nationality, etc. Do not elevate these signs to the rank of “bending” and “shuddering”. First of all, before you is a person, a personality. So talk to him simply as a person. And don’t invent his “reality” for him (how wonderful he lives, what a cool life he has, and the like...). And that supposedly you are not worthy of this reality. ②Be independent from the other person. This means: - not to be afraid of not liking a person (including - not to be afraid to say something “wrong”, not to be afraid of PAUSES in communication) - not to expect approval from him for your words/actions (not to need it) - to relate easier and simpler to his reactions. Do not perceive this communication as something very important. In other words, your FATE is not decided by whether a person reacts well to you or not, whether communication works out or not, whether he even wants to make contact with you or not. - easy “ let go”, don’t stick to him :) With all this, this does not mean at all that we should treat a person somehow disrespectfully or very frivolously, no. ③Remember that we CANNOT LIKE EVERYONE (you are not a dollar after all :)). And we can’t find a common language with everyone, much less communicate based on interests. And this is normal. You need to understand that a person may or may NOT want to communicate (including taking initiative, maintaining a conversation). And we CANNOT completely control this (no matter how much we would like it :)). Therefore, if you make attempts, and the conversation “doesn’t work”, don’t worry about it. Because this only means that the person is NOT in the mood to communicate now (he is in a bad mood, for example), or you simply “didn’t get along” (don’t suit each other - you are too different in values, views, etc.). And not that you are some kind of “bad” or that there is something “wrong” with you. Well, if a person reacts to you somehow negatively... And to hell with him! :) The most important thing is that YOU were disposed towards him with respect and good motives, and did not impose. And how to react is the choice (and problem) of another person. If we summarize the previous 2 points, then the main idea is the development of SELF-SUFFICIENCY in yourself. This means, among other things:• that our mood and self-esteem (the way we think about ourselves) should not depend greatly on a person’s reaction to us• and it’s better if we don’t need anything from him (in every sense) And lastly - FOUR: Kindness, sincerity, positivity and self-irony help. I deliberately separated the words so that they do not look like hackneyed concepts. Each word has its own important meaning. (think about it) This is probably the simplest, and at the same time the most effective thing that we can really have at our disposal... PS: Many people refer to the fact that they DO NOT KNOW what to talk about. BUT, the problem is “I don’t know about what can I say” - it is SECONDARY in fact. BECAUSE: In the presence of a stranger/barely familiar person, we begin to feel shy, tense - as a result of which we strongly “FILTER” our conversation, or we simply don’t know what to say out of EXCITATION. We don’t have such a problem with our parents and friends :) If we don’t have a goal to get to know each other, we can just remain silent :) But no, we are not comfortable staying silent. Good luck!