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Unprofessionalism and self-praise timidly peeked through the ajar door. They looked, no one was turning them away, and they decided to enter. They were just about to stand in a corner, and they said: “Come in, sit down.” They went to the chairs, and in the first rows, unceremoniousness and ignorance fell apart like a master. Mediocrity and vulgarity generally creep onto the scene; they imagine themselves to be primal. “Here’s the thing!” - the first two were surprised, “before we were not allowed on the threshold, but now there is honor and attention.” Somehow the time for sweeping statements crept up unnoticed. The one who sang one song (sang it so well that it would be better not to sing it) proclaims himself a singer, and the one who wrote one book - a writer. Modesty was pushed into the very back corner so that it would not embarrass anyone. The man decided that it was long and unreliable to wait for public recognition. It is better to proclaim yourself and classify yourself as a significant (talented) person. And he does it so convincingly that those around him think: “What if he’s really talented? Well, a person can’t, without any serious reason, declare about himself something that he really isn’t?!” It turns out, how can he! And he behaves this way because he does not know how else to alleviate his suffering. The inferiority complex weighs heavily on him. The fear of looking worse than others does not allow you to breathe deeply, does not allow you to relax, and keeps you tense. I really want to have what they have! So a person lives an incomplete life, suffers from comparing himself with others not in his favor. All his thoughts and efforts are subordinated to the desire to keep up with those who, as it seems to him, walk through life easily and confidently. He informs everyone about his modest successes, as if declaring: “I’m good too! Did everyone see it and pay attention to me?” Note that no one said that he was bad. He decided this himself, or maybe his inner critic, who is always dissatisfied. It forces a person to perform a bunch of fussy actions in order to fill the gap of dissatisfaction with himself, if not with quality, then with quantity. “Look, how much I can do!” - such a person shows everyone, trying to stand on the same level as the object of envy. And there is no peace and tranquility for him, because he stands unsteadily on this very plank, and at any moment he will not maintain his balance and will jump off it. After all, this is not his honor. How much strength and energy a person spends in order to keep up and correspond to the object of his imitation. In such a painful bustle and race, he runs past his own life in order to keep up with someone else's. His eternal companion is frustration, therefore he has no joy from the achievements he has received. Everything is not right for him, but not enough. Or maybe he should stop, not waste so much effort, living a life that is not his own? Stay yourself. After all, everything that is ours has already been given to us, or we receive it by coping with difficulties within our power. Hence the feeling of joy and satisfaction, which from the outside can create the illusion of an easy life. PS If you do not experience joy in life, and are often in a depressed state, please contact us. Phone number to schedule a consultation: 8(906) 497-76-65 (Whatsapp).