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"I thought by this time I would have a family, a stable career, I would become popular and successful" - how painful it is when dreams are broken and you have to realize that expectations did not coincide with reality. The crisis often begins at the age of 29 and can drag on for a long time if you do not understand what is happening and resist the upcoming changes. So what happens during this period: The girl becomes a woman. The feeling of oneself and one’s role in the family, society, and the world changes. Change of values. For example, new ones may appear, such as health, inner peace, independence, etc. Changes in priorities. For some, it becomes important to be at home with their family more often, for others, on the contrary, to spend time alone. Rejection of what is not relevant. Internal transformations take place, something becomes outdated and disappears. For example, a girl admits to herself that she does not want to have children. Some come to the point of giving up parties and one-time relationships. And so on, the birth of a new meaning in life or clarification of the old one. This could be the birth of a child or some kind of business project. Or simply realizing where and why I am going. These are serious internal processes that take time and cause a lot of unpleasant feelings. Can be compared to teething)) It will hurt.. That is, it is absolutely normal to experience melancholy, anger, devastation, despair, powerlessness, ride an emotional swing, doubt the chosen path.. What can help you get through this inevitable stage of life: Support from friends and family , if possible. Of course, here you need people who are ready to accept any of your choices, as well as the process of throwing itself. Information about how the crisis proceeds. Stories of other people who also had a hard time or had to give up something. Well, as always))) Psychologist. He will provide the necessary support, a neutral position and help you better understand yourself. Includes all of the above. In it you can get support, explore yourself, work with internal criticism and resistance, accept yourself and your path. What can prolong the crisis and make living through it even more painful? Criticism, pressure on oneself, resistance when a person begins to hold on to the old, limiting beliefs and prohibitions (by 30 I should have already had two children, I shouldn’t be myself), lack of flexibility (I should, I always thought that I had it will be like this).