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From the author: “How to resolve conflicts in the family and begin to understand each other” follow the link: We all know perfectly well how to behave in a conflict. When it comes to someone, everything is clear to us, the solution is ready. We do not skimp on advice, but coping with our problems, establishing relationships with our loved ones and family becomes an unbearable burden. As folk wisdom says: “We don’t notice the beam in our own eye, but we can see the straw in someone else’s.” This begs the logical question: “If we We know what to do, how to behave, then why don’t we do it?” Everything is very simple. Any knowledge is logical knowledge. At the level of consciousness, we learned and understood what to do, how to behave. Perhaps you read the literature, perhaps you took training, it doesn’t matter. It is important that when a conflict begins, we forget about everything at once. We are unable to put into practice the knowledge that we have. We have been hearing for years, “Change your thoughts, change your behavior,” but still, very little actually happens. Such attitudes rarely change our habits, especially if we are angry, constrained from a feeling of fear, if we enter into conflict. A veil covers our eyes, and familiar emotional behavior is repeated again. This concerns you, this concerns other people. A case from practice. A young married couple loves each other and feels good together. Everything is fine, but... Frequent conflicts arise out of nowhere. They start out fast and noisy. In the process, they remember each other’s existing and non-existent sins and transgressions, and often resort to insults. After an outburst of emotions, quarrels end as quickly as they begin. They ask for forgiveness and promise that this will never happen again. And again everything is fine, only a residue remains and every time it gets stronger. After the conflict, they discuss what happened and promise to continue to control themselves, their behavior and their emotions. But all words and promises are valid until a new quarrel. Of course, not everything in these relationships is good and prosperous. Otherwise, conflicts would not arise out of nowhere, people would not instantly get involved in them and would not say nasty things to each other. It is clear that these quarrels are not a means by which a person proves he is right or defends a point of view. This conflict has one goal: to relieve accumulated tension by expressing your fears, concerns and dissatisfaction with your partner. The latter is definitely present, otherwise the spouses would have found another way out. What to do with the “axe of war”? From my point of view, before sorting out relationships, looking for those who are right, those who are wrong, compromise and much more, you need to relieve tension and irritation, meet your emotions, see and hear them. Emotions carry a huge amount of information that is difficult to understand and comprehend. They are difficult to control. The stronger the intensity of passions, the more emotions of different types and stripes and the complete lack of logic, understanding and control. The first and main step on the road to happy and harmonious relationships is working on an emotional level. It is always interesting, very unexpected and effective."How to resolve conflicts in the family and begin to understand each other" follow the link: http://stopkonflikt.ru/?page_id=146