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Life presents you with “surprises”, events happen by themselves, “a mountain of problems has piled up again”, “I am not understood or appreciated”, you expect that a happy life will finally come, but suffering will end. Or are you responsible for what happens to you, independently “happen” events in your life and build relationships the way you like, make your choices. If you have difficulties or problems, how did you influence this happened? How do you choose relationships where you are ignored or gaslighted? How do you create your difficulties in life? What is stopping you from taking action and changing your life? What is stopping you? How do other people (husband, boss, mother, if you are already an adult, child, neighbor...) become masters of your life? How do you choose to wait rather than act? You can wait as long as you like for your relationship to change, for life to become happy, for someone to finally notice you at work, but you still won’t get it. You can't wait for other people to do what you want. Meanwhile, life passes by. You can wait, or you can live. And here the only choice is yours. You can wait, or you can take responsibility for your life and build it yourself. Choose the way that’s convenient for you, the way that’s important to you, the way you want. I agree that it’s not always easy. A lot of work, doubts, and anxieties may lie in wait along this path, but as a result, this will be your life. As a result, you will be able to feel its taste, color, joy, pleasure and interest. And in such a choice, it is no longer circumstances or other people who rule over you, but you become the master of your life, and you go where you intend to come. I think that who - after reading this note he will say: “Yes, we already know all this! So much has been written and said on this topic. But it’s not clear how to do it.” And I will answer you: the first thing you should understand is that you can change what that you don’t like it, that you have the power to do what is important to you, that you don’t have to suffer simply because “that’s how everyone lives.” You should also understand that no one but yourself will make you happy and your life joyful. This will be your first step towards a conscious life. If you feel that “your truth” is somewhere here, but you can’t move from the “dead point”, come and find out for a consultation. Together we will definitely outline the path of development and find what to rely on in order to move on. With love. Your psychotherapist. Dear readers, thank you for your attention to my articles and notes! To get my advice, call +7(950)026-67-62 or follow the link