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I was recently asked if I believe in fate? Of course, I believe! “Fate” exists because our ideas about it exist. Our fate is what we imagine it to be. To change fate, we need to change our ideas about it. It is important to realize ideas. To realize precisely how our ideas and beliefs are, and not the laws of life and fate. The most common ideas that influence our destiny: “If a girl is like her dad, she will be happy.” This is my case. I believed in this since childhood. And if someone tried to find my mother’s traits in me, I immediately dissuaded him of this. What if I had been born not like my father? And would I have known that “only those who look like their dad will be happy girls?”... Perhaps everything would have turned out differently. Any ideas of injustice burden fate. And this is inherited. It can be stopped. It is enough just to understand that your world is what you think about it, what you imagine it to be. Start to see and imagine a just world, your world will become that way for you. And for your children and grandchildren. “Fate gives one thing, takes away another.” Wealth gives, children take away. Or it gives talent, but does not give health, etc. Such programs work on the principle of cause and effect. Once I received one, I immediately lost the other. How strongly something inside resists when great luck or success in business awaits us. And how strong sometimes is the desire to give up a goal two steps away from it. The subconscious is trying to protect us from the upcoming reckoning... Fate is what you imagine about it. She can be infinitely kind, generous and lucky. One has only to admit this possibility. “Fate will take away what is left over” and “Fate does not give what is left over.” Whoever believes in what will receive it. “It is not destiny to become rich, happy, successful, etc.” Fate has nothing to do with it. “And” your ideas about yourself, your capabilities, about fate. “You have to pay for everything.” “For happiness, for love, for luck.” Only those who believe in this idea pay. “I have no luck in life.” A phrase accidentally thrown by parents can be deeply embedded in the child’s mind and become fateful for him. If you are unlucky, it is only because you consider yourself unlucky in life. Change it here and now! Become lucky! And you don’t have to deserve anything for this. Another common idea learned from childhood. Your right to happiness and all earthly blessings is innate, given by God “by default.” “Children repeat the fate of their parents” only if they repeat their parents’ ideas about fate. Ideas change – life changes. Tested on myself. “Life doesn’t give anything for free, and everything that is presented by fate has its own price secretly determined.” “You can’t escape fate,” “What is to be, cannot be avoided.” How scary it is to live, how frightening the unknown is when you believe in the power of fate beyond your control, which you yourself have endowed it with. How you give up and desires disappear when fate once again confirms your idea of ​​it “We are all toys in the hands of fate.” Fate helps”, “Fate protects”, “Fate guides and leads straight to happiness and prosperity”. We choose which fate to believe in ourselves..