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This question is asked by any psychoanalyst who decides to “get involved” with this difficult task. How to hear and decipher what is mute? How to understand what has never been realized? For me, the solution to the psychoanalytic problem begins from the definition of Chronotope. Chronotope (from ancient Greek χρόνος “time” and τόπος “place”) is “a regular connection of space-time coordinates.” Where exactly, at what point of the space-time continuum lies the “ovary” of the disease, the source of the psychosomatic process? Obviously, this is the BSZ - a boiling cauldron of instincts and drives, the container of all unconscious decisions and actions that implement these decisions. Action (symptom, diagnosis) - we can still realize, notice, but the decision itself remains deep in the unconscious. Understanding that a psychosomatic decision is born in the unconscious gives an answer about the time frame of its birth. For in BSZ there is only one category of time - ALWAYS. Because there is only NOW. How, where, at what moment does a mental decision become a somatic one and vice versa? This moment and place does not exist. Just as there is no separate space for the existence of the psyche. There is the person himself, the owner of the physical and mental fused together, and every quantum of human life is, in fact, a psychosomatic decision. In order to understand the essence of this process, one must turn to the idea of ​​energy, common to psychic and somatic expression. This idea belongs to the French school of psychosomatics and is its brilliant discovery. This energy is general and, of course, obeys the law of conservation of energy. But then, within the system, qualitative transformations of this energy occur, transforming it from the mental to the somatic and vice versa. In this way, one can trace the movements of pain, its movement between soul and body, depending on the strength of the psyche of the owner of this pain. The system moves pain to the area where its presence (pain) does not threaten the system (person) with immediate destruction. Freud also wrote about his observations of how acute neuroses faded away at the moment of serious physical trauma or serious somatic illness. Thus, what is missing from mental processing in the form of representatives (internal objects) will be found in the body in the form of functional disturbances. Thus, there is an energetic commonality between relationships with an external object, relationships with the internal representation of an external object (internal object), mental activity, including phantasmatic, and somatic dysfunctions. And one of the main tasks of the analyst will be to trace the paths of transformation of the mental into the somatic and to promote “restarting” the system and transforming energy in the opposite direction. Solving this problem will require special psychoanalytic listening skills, because unlike a typical psychoanalytic situation, where the therapist listens and monitors the contents of the patient’s psyche in order to analyze what IS there, when analyzing a psychosomatic personality it is necessary to hear what is NOT in the psyche. At a time when this content SHOULD BE there. And this non-existent content in the psyche will be an unconscious somatic decision.