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Have you stopped enjoying your work? Don't understand what exactly you want? Don't know where to move next? Do you feel like life is passing you by without you doing something important? How familiar these feelings are to me... It seemed like everything was in its place then. Home, family, children, work...I even fulfilled my school dream and became a psychologist. But, as it turned out, the coveted diploma and even employment in my profession did not make me happy at all. Working in social security, I felt completely useless there. Like a cog in a big system, on which nothing depends. I was dying of boredom and waited for everything to change. But a year passed, then a second... and nothing happened. I felt that I wanted something else, but I didn’t understand what exactly. The idea that I had at that time about successful psychologists frightened me greatly. It seemed to me that a good psychologist is necessarily a public person who must constantly be in public, always tell something, convey to people, speak in front of an audience. For me it was like death. My blood ran cold just from the thought that I would have to do this someday. The prospect of becoming a public person fired my imagination so much that I succumbed to fear and left the profession completely. I seriously decided to find myself a “quieter” job. And I found more than one. But wherever I went, melancholy, boredom and an irresistible desire to change everything overtook me. I didn't know how to change this. Where to begin? Where to look for answers to questions that I couldn’t even fully formulate. I just felt bad. I didn't feel like I was truly living. It felt like I was writing a draft or living someone else’s life. I was waiting for everything to change, that I would still have time to start everything for real. It was not clear what was wrong, where this incomprehensible dreary emptiness came from. With all my heart I was waiting for some new, fresh emotions, I wanted to change everything, reboot my life, but I didn’t know how. However, one day a miracle happened... On social networks I came across an invitation to undergo a free consultation as intended and immediately decided to take advantage of the offer. This decision turned out to be one of the most correct ones in my life. A turning point, after which everything began to change and transform, as if getting on the right track. Thanks to the careful guidance of a specialist, I was able to look into those secluded corners of my soul where my most timid but true desires languished. Only mine and no one else's. All this time, they were under the heavy weight of other people’s beliefs and far-fetched fears, which prevented them from manifesting themselves, driving away their dreams, ridiculing them for their naivety. At that moment, the disturbing phantoms easily dissipated, and the onslaught of resistance subsided. I tried on life, with my dreams come true, and found the strongest resource for myself there. With every cell I felt that state when everything is in its place, when I am in my place! Everything seemed to fit into one puzzle. Lightness, energy, some kind of strength appeared. And an indescribable feeling: “I CAN!”, “I CAN DO IT!” It was the strongest emotional experience for me. He ignited a spark in me that still burns and illuminates my path, giving the right guidelines. I heard the real me, I touched something most valuable that was hidden behind the backs of the unconscious. The consultation turned out to be a new starting point, after which everything began to come together as if by itself. Strength, opportunities, people, events, information, circumstances appeared - everything I needed at that moment to start my journey. .. Yes, it was difficult and still a little scary, a lot seemed incomprehensible, I had to learn, look for answers. But all this was fully compensated by the feeling that I was doing something important, doing the right thing, people need me, this is mine... This is exactly what I can give and be filled with. I saw a bridge that connected me today with me in an ideal future. I realized the steps that need to be taken to get there. My childhood dream.