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The most valuable thing a person has in life is relationships. Connection with our family, parents and loved ones is an invaluable skill given to us by nature. It is the emotional connection with another person that is called attachment. We may never have thought about it, but in fact, attachment is a basic need for every person. Attachment is formed in early childhood in the relationship between a child and a significant parental figure. Built relationships influence the child’s relationship with the outside world. Classification of attachment types In the classification of attachment, there are 4 types, they are divided into reliable and unreliable. Psychologists classify as a reliable type of attachment people whose relationships with a significant adult are characterized by stability, trust and closeness in contact. Insecure types of attachment are formed as a result of violations in building contact between a significant adult and a child. The consequences of violations can manifest themselves in different ways. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Secure attachment typeThe childhood of people with a secure attachment type is characterized by closeness to parents or figures replacing them. They could share their emotions, thoughts and sensations and feel support and closeness in contact. Thanks to this, they are able to understand themselves, their desires, express their feelings, and also empathize with the feelings of others. People with a secure attachment type often have a stable psyche, high self-esteem and developed emotional intelligence. Anxious type of attachment An anxious type of attachment is formed in the case of an adult’s behavior that is unpredictable for a child: if for the same action the child can be praised one time and punished another time. A child raised in such conditions will need frequent reassurances from his partner that he is loved and will not be abandoned. Anxious people are often concerned about issues of self-esteem and emotional dependence on their partner, since their main fear is being left alone. Avoidant (or avoidant-rejecting) attachment type The formation of this type of attachment is associated with a lack of emotional ties with parents. An example could be: a demanding father, a stern mother, or two parents who cannot devote enough time to the child as he grows up. Affection and tenderness from a partner is perceived by such a person inadequately, as a manifestation of weakness. The main fear of a person with this type of attachment is the manifestation of of your vulnerability. Avoidance of close relationships and the desire to end the relationship immediately after the emergence of intimacy between partners occurs due to the fear of being rejected. People with an avoidant type of attachment find it easier to abandon relationships than to relive the pain that they already felt in childhood when they find themselves alone. Disorganized , or ambivalent This type of attachment is quite rare. It is a consequence of difficult experiences, physical or psychological abuse in early childhood. A child grows up in an environment where parents most often behave contradictory and instill fear: “If he is afraid, that means he respects him!” Already in early childhood, the baby strives to run away in order to hide from a significant adult; he avoids intimacy, while at the same time feeling the need to be loved by him. Such a person can be open today and share his experiences, and disappear tomorrow without notifying his intentions. People with this type of attachment It is difficult to understand your desires and form communication with others. Helping people with manifestations of insecure attachment types People who want to change their condition should start paying attention to their own feelings. Keeping a diary and tracking your conditions can be an option for self-help. Seeking help from a psychologist will help you look at the current situation comprehensively and free yourself from the burden of problems. I will be glad to help build quality relationships taking into account your psychological.