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How to help yourself get rid of negative emotions A person’s emotions reflect his attitude to current reality. Emotions are a person’s reaction to the influence of any external or internal stimuli. This human reaction has a bright coloring, directly related to the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of his needs. Every day a person experiences different emotions, from neutral to positive or negative. Neutral: surprise, curiosity, indifference, amazement, calm contemplation. Positive: interest, joy, anticipation, pride, love, respect, affection, pleasure, trust, confidence, admiration , euphoria. Negative: despondency, anxiety, despair, indignation, envy, disgust, contempt, resentment, hatred, shame, guilt, suffering, irritation, anger, malice, grief, fear, fear. Human emotions also have an external manifestation that is noticeable to others. Under the influence of emotions, the following happens: facial expressions change; redness/blanching of certain areas of the body appears; the intonation and timbre of the voice changes; increased breathing/heartbeat; motor reactions occur. It is characteristic that positive or neutral emotions are spent, as it were, having fulfilled their purpose. Negative emotions accumulate in our subconscious during the course of life, archived in separate “folders or cells.” And the more and more often a person experiences negative emotions, the stronger their external manifestations become, inconsistent with the event that led to the appearance of a specific emotion. For example, the impact on a person corresponds, figuratively, to 1 point, and the reaction to this impact manifests itself at a level of 5-10 points. In response to a simple remark, a person can show quite strong aggression, and all this is because the stress hormone cortisol begins to be released in a much higher dose. Thus, the basis of all panic attacks (PA) is previously experienced fear. All my patients say that PA came unexpectedly, in fact, as soon as a person thinks about some negative event, the heart rate sharply increases to 120 beats, an anxious feeling in the chest, lack of air, weakness in the body and thoughts - now I’m going to die or something bad will happen to me. In fact, a specific negative emotion or thought “flies” into the subconscious, “opening” the folder of fear and a shock dose of cortisol is instantly released, which triggers specific human reactions. In order not to experience such conditions, you can learn to get rid of accumulated negative emotions by cleansing or freeing your subconscious. In the process of practical work with patients, I developed a technique that allows me to independently regulate the level of my condition, get rid of negative emotions, and prevent the appearance of PA or depression. I figuratively called it “7 steps on how to rid yourself of negative emotions.” Sit in a chair. Close your eyes and feel/imagine in which part of your body you are experiencing a negative emotion. It can appear as a mental reaction to negative events. Most often, negative sensations occur in the chest area or in the head. Perform the entire technique with your eyes closed. Place the palm of your right hand on your solar plexus and take 10 deep breaths, while imagining that you are inflating a balloon. At this time, you will feel slightly dizzy - this is normal (oxygenated blood enters the brain, it does not understand what is happening, it thinks that you are actively doing something). Try to relax your body muscles as much as possible. Mentally look inside your body and imagine/feel the negative emotion you are experiencing. What color is it, what size is it, what object does it look like. How long has it been in your body? Mentally answer - what benefit or harm does this emotion bring to you. Place the two palms of your hands in this area of ​​​​the body where the objectified negative emotion is located. On deep.