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From a psychological point of view, a midlife crisis is accompanied by a feeling of dissatisfaction with one’s life due to the fact that former joys, hobbies and motivation cease to function with the same effectiveness. It should be understood that no official diagnosis of "midlife crisis". And by it we mean a certain not entirely clear set of signs. And even the age limits for the crisis themselves are vaguely defined. According to various sources, up to a third of people over 35 are facing a similar crisis. According to survey data, after successfully passing this crisis, the level of satisfaction with life even increases than it was before. Events that provoke this crisis can be health problems, the death of loved ones or peers, the estrangement of children, a forced change in lifestyle, as well as a rethinking of those expectations , which were previously assigned to career, development, family and more. At first, this crisis manifests itself in the form of a faster than before cooling towards new projects and global goals. When a person is inspired by something and then burns out, then we can talk about that these “his” goals had a source outside. They were not born from within a person. But this is common. All people light up with ideas that are gleaned with the help of external information influences. When such ideas come from external sources, they carry with them the hope that they can be a means to obtain happiness. Relatively speaking, here was a man unhappy and dissatisfied with his ordinary life. And he thought what to do with this dissatisfaction. And then he came to the conclusion that some external achievements (new positions, courses, falling in love or acquiring new skills) could change his life, breathe meaning and taste into it. I call this the first way to obtain happiness - with the help of external achievements. When such goals appear, inspiration and enthusiasm first come to a person. This had happened several times before in his life. The first method of obtaining happiness worked quite well. But only now it does not last long. Already in the process of receiving these external achievements, a person understands that they will not bring him the happiness that he was supposed to bring. And they will not live up to the expectations placed on them. This often happens in “middle age,” when methods of gaining interest in life and being in the flow of inspiration with the help of external achievements begin to work less well. And then disappointment sets in, a reluctance to continue making efforts to obtain what previously seemed to be the key to happiness. The fundamental meanings and values ​​on which a person previously relied are called into question. The former meanings of life require revision and the search for more personal meanings that correspond to the new situation. When the previous supports collapse, a person is left with what cannot be taken away from him: an attitude to the situation, the ability to experience feelings and creativity. At this time, a person is faced with the fact that that he needs to develop a “second way of obtaining happiness.” There is a wonderful text about what should be done with the two ways of obtaining happiness: The second (most important) way of obtaining happiness Here we return to that state of dissatisfaction from which a person was looking for a way to get rid of it with the help of certain external achievements. We need awareness of our dissatisfaction to analyze the reasons why we get a situation where nothing can seriously and for a long time inspire further achievements. No one can cancel the method of obtaining happiness with the help of external achievements. Let ideas about some achievements and other useful things be present in a person’s life. At the same time, it should be understood that in every movement of human interest there is a certain amount of such a component, which can be called an escape from internal discomfort through immersion in activity. I emphasize that that this component is not the only driving force of any activity. But some of it