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“A smile makes a gloomy day brighter!” It's hard to disagree with the words of the famous children's song. So let's smile and teach our children to smile! A particularly important and useful habit for every child can be a morning smile, which will set the child’s mood for the whole day and make his life more joyful. Teaching a child to smile is actually not difficult; every parent can do it, or rather, a parent who sincerely wants to turn on the Sunshine in their child. Of course, all children are different: some get the impression that they enjoy life from the cradle (such as are called Suns), while others behave no other than little princes and princesses Nesmeyans, and still others generally have unpredictable moods every day. Psychologists have determined that: - 10% of children wake up with a smile on their faces - parents of such cheerful children can be happy that their children are cheerful from the very morning; - 10% of babies, despite the efforts of mothers and fathers, are difficult to train to smile in the morning - in this case, you should not be upset, but perceive this as a feature of the child, which will be difficult to correct even for a specialist; - 80% Children are responsive and psychologically flexible - this means that they can be taught to smile quite easily and quickly when they wake up. How to achieve results? Achieving what you want from your child: be it potty training, reading, or smiling, is best done in a playful way. Only in this way will the baby not be annoyed by the learning process, and he will complete the assigned tasks with pleasure. The same is true with a smile - daughters and sons smile in response to the smiles of their parents, so smile and rejoice. There's no reason to be sad if mom or dad smiles, right? Start your morning with the words: “Where is your smile?” and don’t forget to smile yourself - you won’t even notice how your child begins to demonstrate his new skill - a radiant morning smile. It is worth considering that your child will not be able to turn on the Sunshine if you are irritated and hot-tempered, so self-control should always be with you. Show your child that he makes an invaluable contribution to the overall family joy and then he himself will want to smile!