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The whole life is a continuous fulfillment of desires. It is literally woven from their performance. Although we sometimes don’t notice it. And all because there is a basic, most important desire to which all life within a person is subordinated. It can be secret or obvious. It doesn't matter. The important thing is that inside you have long and very much wanted it to happen. And outside... It seems that all methods have been tried. Nerves and funds were spent on various specialists in the field of psychology and esotericism. Patience is already at its limit. And all the time you ask yourself the question: “Well, when will my cherished wish come true?!” It will definitely come true, I assure you. The main thing is to calm down. In which pan do you think the water will boil faster: the one with which you constantly remove the lid to check if it has boiled? Or in one whose lid is tightly closed, and you simply know from experience that it will boil in about 10 minutes, so during this time you calmly do other things. The answer is obvious. The more often you open the lid of the pan, the slower the water will boil. But it will boil in both cases. Never before has water in a saucepan, put on fire, frozen. It's always boiling. The main thing is to keep the fire burning. You know that for sure. All that remains is to wait for the result. It’s just that in the first case you are in a hurry, so you constantly open the lid, and the process goes slower. And in the second case, you allow the laws of nature to work, so everything happens easily, on time and without unnecessary stress. The same situation applies to desires. After all, all things in the world are similar. And are all desires fulfilled? Yes, but... Pay attention to these two words. Together they read as “given.” And this says that any desire is just a problem that needs to be solved. A condition is given for the problem, under which it is solved. And it all depends on its complexity. Remember school? There we received basic, basic knowledge about life. And in first grade, no one was allowed to solve problems involving square roots. You were not ready for this. There was neither knowledge nor experience. Now let’s apply this analogy to a desire, if it is equal in form to a task. Let's determine what conditions need to be met in real life for the wish to come true. Probably, you need to clearly understand the basic knowledge and skills regarding its implementation. What will you rely on to make it come true? If a person has little knowledge and experience, but the desire is great and comprehensive, then a discrepancy arises between what is available and what is desired. And, as a result, suffering begins from its failure to fulfill it. This is equivalent to the fact that a first-grader, coming to school, wants to take exams for 11th grade and will be very worried that his exam will not be accepted. It's funny, isn't it? Even a first grader knows that this requires studying. In other words, to fulfill any desire you need to spend time, effort, acquire knowledge and experience. Otherwise, we can say that you are not ready to fulfill this desire. In life, everything is given according to readiness. And in general, it would not hurt to determine: this is definitely your sincere and free desire or the desire of other people. There is such a law in the Universe - the Law of pure desire. And you also need to know it. Thus, to fulfill any desire, you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions for its fulfillment: 1. Learn the Law of Pure Desire.2. Realize the need to fulfill this desire for you personally.3. Competently form an intention so that the desire is filled with power.4. Learn to apply the Law of Conservation of Energy (determine how much time and life energy you are willing to spend on realizing your desire).5. Know the Law of the Path - “The road can be mastered by those who walk” (follow the path of fulfilling a desire, and not in the opposite direction or sitting still).6. Learn the “Rules of the Road”, or sign language.7. Be ready to accept this desire. Are you ready to start learning how to fulfill your desires instead of suffering and asking questions: “When will my desire come true?”? Dare, learn! It's easy and very interesting. This is life itself. Don't be under the illusion that you ever successfully completed school. It goes on.