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Why is it that when someone or something leaves our lives, we can’t let it go for a long time? We are prevented from doing this only by our thoughts and our illusions! We can drive ourselves into a corner with our thoughts, drive ourselves to depression, turn ourselves into insignificance and even drive ourselves crazy! Our thoughts are a huge force and energy! But since our world is dual, that is, there is opposite in everything, it means that we can equally destroy ourselves and fill ourselves! This means that with just the power of thought we can bring ourselves into the resource, fill ourselves with energy, let go of anything and finally become happy! What thoughts can help you let go, for example, of a person who has left your life? You just need to understand: - that you are surrounded by exactly what you need at this moment in life, - you are surrounded by exactly the people you need now, - if someone disappeared from your life, it means he gave you everything he could, and you also gave him everything you could and everyone now has their own path - you must definitely feel great gratitude for the positive emotions that this person gave you (they contain your resource, in them you recognized your true self!), - and also enormous gratitude for the negative emotions that definitely existed (he thus pointed out to you your weaknesses, in them your growth!) - he should have given you exactly what he gave and nothing more! - he completed his mission and left, you don’t need him anymore! - clinging to the old, you pour your energy into it and it is automatically not enough for the new to appear! - and once you let it go, you will make room for the next stage of your life, which is waiting for you and will give you what you need right now! - understand that it just seems to you that the world has collapsed, that you have reached a dead end, in fact this is a transition period, preparation for something new and very important in your life! You can control your thoughts, just believe it! Share in the comments how you cope with losses or breakups.?