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How to choose a training company? 10 key questions. In recent years, training companies have widely expanded their activities. Training companies operating in the post-Soviet market offer a similar range of services, but everyone promises that their service is the best... How to choose the training company that is right for you? And most importantly, do you need to choose it at all, think about it, training is definitely for you needed? There are several simple rules that you need to follow when selecting the company you need. And even before choosing a training company, you need to answer the following questions: 1. Why are we going to train our employees? For how 2. What should we teach our employees? 3. How will we understand that the training was successful? For example: Will employees do something that hasn't been done before? Or will they stop doing what we don’t like? Will employees say “That was interesting”? Will we see the happy (sad) faces of the employees? 4. Decide what we need: a seminar or training? The difference is this: A seminar is a lot of different information on the topic with examples. Your employees take notes, ask questions, discuss. Training involves employees participating in exercises and role-playing situations. Therefore, there is less material, but more applied training. 5. Or maybe we need an entertaining event, maybe we have an anniversary? This is when all employees are having fun and interesting. Commando - education, for example. Gypsies, bears, Toastmasters? 6. If we need training, not a seminar, then we ask ourselves: Why will employees use the skills that they will be taught in the training? What will motivate them? Why will they make efforts to introduce new things? If there is no answer to this question, any training is a pointless waste of money. (In my practice, there was a case when 2 employees told the director: “We are not interested...”, but in fact they just wanted to go on a picnic. There were 12 more people at this training, and they all found it interesting and useful.) If we answered clearly To answer all the above questions, you can move on. 7. Be sure to find out which companies have already used the services of this training company. As a rule, training companies willingly post such information on their website. If possible, try to get letters of recommendation about the training company from reputable clients. It is advisable to even communicate personally with customers. 8. Find out how long the company has been operating in this market, what services it can offer, how many trainers and what qualifications work in the company. You should pay attention to which trainers work in the training company: guest trainers or they have their own staff. The last option is a sign of the stability and reliability of the company. Collect information about the trainer who is offered to you. Visit his personal website. 9. If, as a result of these previous steps, you have decided on a group of companies, it’s time to move on to the last step: meeting with their representatives. When talking with employees of the training campaign, move from general words to specific questions. Find out which trainers and what qualifications the company offers you. Find out how experienced he is, how many trainings he has already conducted, and what ratings and positive reviews he has earned. Most importantly, find out what this coach does “in life”, i.e. the trainer must be a practitioner in the chosen topic!!! For example. If you want to conduct sales training and hire a teacher from a university as a trainer, then his main activity is not to sell, but to give lectures... Only someone who constantly sells something can teach how to sell! After all, the essence of the training is teaching practical skills. 10. If you are satisfied with the results of the interview, it’s time to talk about the cost of the service. Trainings are not cheap. But it is not a fact that the most expensive training will be the best. Moreover, the established name of a company is often expensive,