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In my previous articles, I have already talked about the value of time. That only by realizing this value can one live effectively and with pleasure. Managing your time means managing your ACTIONS within a certain time interval, i.e. act according to plan within the planned period of time. Only then can you count on getting the desired result. In the book by the American psychologist Robin Sharma, “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari,” there is one saying: “My friend, saying that you don’t have time to work on your thoughts and your life is the same as saying that you don’t have time to pour gasoline into an empty can, because you need to drive faster. Anyway, this will have to be done someday." You always need to find time to plan your actions and analyze the result, and not spin “like a squirrel in a wheel” and not have time to do anything. I want to share with you some secrets in time management: 1 Secret The 80/20 principle or the Pareto principle: 80% of the results come from 20% of the causes. In 20% of the time, 20% of the people own 80% of the capital, goods and services that bring 80% of the company's profits. This is the golden rule that, consciously or not, all rich and successful people use - and become even richer and more successful. From this we can conclude that most actions are a waste of time, they have little effect on achieving the desired result. 2 Secret. If you have planned some action for a specific period of time, then, in order to obtain maximum results, you need to fully concentrate on this action. The result of your actions depends on your attitude towards them. For example, if you have planned to spend an evening with your family to strengthen your relationship. then give yourself over to it entirely, there is no need to solve business problems over the phone during a family dinner. You will not get a positive result in any of these cases. Give this time to your family and in return you will receive the love and respect of your loved ones. 3 Secret. Delegate those things that your partners can do, don’t put all the responsibility on yourself, start applying the principle of prioritizing things. Prioritizing your tasks makes it possible to free up time to achieve your goals. You can use the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize your tasks. According to this matrix, we can distribute all our affairs into four categories: 1. Urgent and important - matters in the “fire” category. Their implementation cannot be delayed. There is no escape from them, you have to do them. This category of cases includes unfinished urgent matters - “tails”. These are crisis situations. The appearance of cases in this square should be avoided in every possible way. To do this, you need to complete tasks from other squares on time. The most obvious example of this category of cases is the submission of a course paper by a student who “remembered” about it the day before the deadline. 2. Not urgent and important - things that do not require immediate execution. This includes planning, training, going to the gym, maintaining health, maintaining a daily routine and nutrition. This is what is aimed at solving problems that are important to us and do not require haste, but which bring us closer to our desired goals. They must be taken very seriously. It is important to focus on completing these tasks. You can choose methods and ways to solve them without haste. These tasks cannot be neglected, otherwise they will become “urgent and important”. 3. Urgent and unimportant are things that need to be done as quickly as possible, but they do not lead to the realization of goals. These things distract from work and may not be directly related to you. These include an unscheduled meeting or a phone call that takes up time, these are distractions due to breaks due to uninvited guests. These things make it difficult to concentrate. It is advisable to delegate them and free up time for non-urgent, but important matters that lead to well-being. These are the most harmful tasks they try to pass off.