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From the author: The article was published in June 2010. in the newspaper "Vsyachina" (Ussuriysk) Kill the "crocodile" A new deadly drug has appeared in Russia. Recently, drug police have recorded a sharp surge in the number of drug addicts hooked on an unconventional drug - desomorphine. The head of the Federal Drug Control Service, Viktor Ivanov, announced this yesterday, speaking at an extraordinary meeting of the board of this department. “Our employees have identified the phenomenon of an epidemiological increase in the number of drug patients, mostly young, who are consumers of desomorphine. Among drug addicts, it is better known as “crocodile,” he said. According to him, the paradox is that this situation has arisen due to the good work of the drug police: department employees are blocking drug supply channels, including from Afghanistan, the largest supplier heroin. However, drug addicts find other ways to get high. Clandestine “chemists” immediately set up the production of desomorphine by simple distillation from codeine-containing drugs, such as, for example, pentalgin or codelac, freely sold through the pharmacy chain...... The chief drug police officer emphasized that in order to strengthen the fight against the growing spread of desomorphine, it is necessary develop a regulatory framework, including lowering the level of the legal dose of a drug, which is considered in the law as a large and especially large amount. Comments: Reflection, dangerous to life The world and our lives have the property of reflecting what they are made of. The fact itself The existence of the topic of drug addiction in society is, unfortunately, a fact of the presence in the social environment itself of mechanisms that provoke such addiction. What can be attributed to such provocateurs? I will name, in my opinion, two main ones: For example, the idea of ​​freedom, poorly formed in the minds of young people: what is freedom and with what is it “eaten”? What should I do and how should I do it if I can do whatever I want? What to do when a person is left to his own devices? How to manage your free time? How to spend your pocket money? How else can you spend your time? What if, at the same time, there is no experience in finding healthy ways to get pleasure? And if there is no belief that the desired healthy way of obtaining pleasure can be available? Any intoxicants, drugs or liquids perform the main function - they relieve tension, provide bodily rest, distract from reality and bring “newness” to everyday life. Essentially, we are dealing with quick, but harmful and health-hazardous, methods of emotional and bodily relief. In this case, the idea of ​​freedom is realized in a life-threatening, destructive way - drug use. Now I suggest you pause, dear reader, and ask yourself: how do I handle my freedom and what methods of handling it do I pass on to the people around me? I will continue about the mechanisms that provoke drug addiction. For example, the features of the upbringing and development of children. Yes, now many of you may think that again everything comes down to parents or teachers, that, again, parents and teachers are to blame... I propose the topic of guilt, accusations, tossing the ball called “are you to blame, no, are you to blame” - close, forget, put in the past. It's a waste of time. There is no one to blame. All parents try. Yes, everyone has their own way, but they try. And that's a fact. And in this, parents are united. The flip side of this unity is the unity of young people in their search for ways to assert themselves, for example, with a minimum of effort and in a short time. Yes, health will be sacrificed, maybe life. And this is a terrifying fact. But, with grief, we have to say that this is what young people do with their lives. Now, again, I suggest you pause, dear reader, and ask yourself: what am I doing with my life? Do I perceive my life as valuable? What ways of relating to my life do I give myself and show to others? Drug harm to my health and, as a result, self-destruction is something that can and should be dealt with, but, to