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From the author: An article about how understanding your mission creates a vision for the future and opens sources of inspirationOne of the questions that we discuss with participants in the “Dream-Vocation-Goal” course is - it's understanding your mission. For me, this moment means the emergence of a global guideline in life. I imagine a mission as something similar to a very big goal that may not be achieved even in a lifetime. What's the point if it's unattainable? The point is that the mission gives an understanding of which direction to move, and also gives inspiration and strength for work. It does not have to be formulated very specifically, and this gives freedom of choice in its implementation. For a person who has a mission, it is not so important how the circumstances of his life develop, where he works, and how he lives. He simply follows his “guiding star,” and no matter how life turns out, there is always an understanding of where he wants to be. And a calling, as I understand it, is a way to realize a mission. To make it clear, I will give examples of what the course participants said. Mission: improve people's lives with the help of beauty Vocation: interior designer Mission: to help people expand the boundaries of their ideas Vocation: art manager Mission: accessibility of technical means for people all over the world Vocation : programmer From these examples it is clear that the mission is the answer to the question: “What is the most important and meaningful thing I want to give to the world?” This is how I help my clients define a mission. I’m also sharing with you an exercise that Mikhail Mironov suggested in his article for Theories and Practices. Guy Kawasaki, a former Apple evangelist, says that a company has three sources of mission. You can transfer them to yourself and figure out what kind of work is meaningful for you. Answer at least two out of three questions: - What would I like to create that is not yet in the world, but is definitely needed? - What good thing would I not want to let disappear? - What nonsense would I like to correct? It’s better to arm yourself with a piece of paper and write down .In general, understanding the mission benefits everyone. A person who has come to this understanding will not be left without inspiration and guidance in life. And the people around him will receive real benefits from his work, because this work will be for the sake of higher values, and not just for personal gain. But how to combine the implementation of the mission and personal gain is another story. And about it in the following articles.