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As the crocodile Gena bequeathed: “The best, of course, is yet to come.” I want to believe in it. Fairy tales give hope to both adults and children. Unfortunately (or fortunately), life is not a fairy tale; it is not interested in our hopes and plans. Anything can happen: tragic accidents, deliberate criminal attacks, illnesses, etc. All plans for the future can be destroyed in an instant. “Maybe” does not mean that it will definitely happen. Therefore, you should not sit and expect something bad, it is better to take care of your future now. At least I can tell myself: everything that depends on me has been done, and then it’s up to my luck. To understand how to put things in order in your future, it’s useful to look at ways to clean up the mess; it’s easier. For example, an incident from life. Neighbors on the landing began to share space in the common corridor. One placed a wooden box, the other responded by bringing out an old washing machine. During the six months of war, the neighbors tried everything: shitting on the rug, putting matches in locks, spilling glue under the door, and many other neighborly pranks. The chaos in the lives of good neighbors ended spontaneously, one stabbed the other to death during another dispute over territory. They planned their future six months ago. It’s not like they sat down and thought about who would kill whom, but they just decided to violently conflict and petty shit to each other. Each had their own truth and hope to inform the other. Hostilities always end. In this case, death for one, prison for another. And who won? You don’t think about your future yourself, circumstances or other people will manage it, life will put everything in its place, people call it that way – it just happened. It seems that the person has nothing to do with it, it just happened, for example, like the neighbors. It’s unlikely that there is a magic rule for all occasions, but what to do? No one will give you exact recipes for prosperity, I will (just kidding). Just thoughts, I hope it will be useful to someone. The future is also wonderful without money, but it’s better with money. I don’t really want to be left without a means of subsistence, so I should have taken care of my financial well-being yesterday. Today is also not too late, but yesterday is better. Here it would be necessary to present a summary of several dozen books on how to gain financial independence and organize cash flow, but is it worth repeating, I suspect that the majority already know everything in theory. They say that work helps you get money, as well as the demand for the skills, abilities, and talents of a particular person, which is not always a job. The truth (mine) is that they will only pay for what society needs, do you have it? If yes, then you can hope for financial well-being in the future. By the way, it is useful not to forget that society is capricious, what is needed today is useless tomorrow. This is how an acquaintance of mine, who at one time invested a lot of money in organizing video salons, went bankrupt; remember, there were such things. Then they were no longer needed, the business closed. Hence the conclusion. In order for there to be order in the future, we must constantly change. With age, this is more difficult to do, although if you have a habit of change and the ability to see when it’s time to change something, then it’s easy to keep up with the times. Besides money, the basis of an attractive future is children. Good children mean a good future, raise other children and get a different future. The question is not even a question of the proverbial glass of water, it’s just that many pensioners use their income to support adult children who do not want to work; they were raised to be parasites. Old people are forced to work while they walk, because children need money. Raising children to be financially independent is the minimum, and if adult children also help in every possible way, then it’s generally wonderful. Another important point. He feels good in the future who always feels good with himself, both in the past and in the present. In psychology this is called self-sufficiency. I have myself, that’s enough for me. There will be children, other relatives, financial well-being - wonderful, but if I feel bad with myself, then nothing else will be a joy. The Eastern philosophical approach to building the future generally offers.