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BeginThe basic user of dirty.ru is an intellectual with artistic and literary taste and a good sense of humor. Whether a post will work among such an audience or not is always a bit of a lottery. It seems that he approached it correctly, and came up with the right title, and formulated the text correctly, but... in vain. Even the most wonderful rules that apply to ordinary articles do not work with dirty. What “took off” on dirty.ru? Using the example of my golden posts, I can try to prioritize.1. The first place in terms of the amount of gold is occupied by successful creative presentations of educational articles, for example, an absolutely creepy story (links to other articles are in the Ezo.Club material due to the limit on the number of links in the text) about how a snake ate a centipede (or a centipede snake? ), where one could dwell on a banal translation of the article - it in itself is already incredible, but if you add a little “fairy tale”, then bang and gold. Or material about myxomycete mushrooms - it seems scientific, but reads like a detective story. In general, popular science - posts about amazing natural phenomena, incredible properties of insects, or an accessible explanation of the nature of a nuclear reaction - occupies a rather large niche in the sphere of interests of dirty.ru guests. We came across " delicious" scientific gobbledygook? Rewrite it in accessible language and short sentences, as for 14-year-olds. They will appreciate it!2. In second place in terms of gilding of posts are all kinds of homemade creatives, from texts to photoshopped pictures or designer ideas. For example, a simple poster inviting you to celebrate the anniversary of dowels - or just a picture drawn by yourself. Or even a culinary fantasy - an ordinary recipe, served in an unconventional way. Such creative ideas then begin to live their own lives and spread across the internet like a virus. Create, experiment, create something new!3. In third place I would include posts of memories or nostalgic materials. People always enjoy immersing themselves in antics from their own childhood and in comparisons, as it was then and now. The eternal problem of “fathers and sons” at the local level. For me, at least since the heels of nostalgic posts, things have climbed to the TOPs, for example, material about getting to know the first computers - or about childhood games. Make others remember the past with a pleasant sadness or a sly grin and they will respond with a fat plus.4. Posts from people with unusual professions or located in unusual places are well received. Exclusively about something. For example, about how they moved two parts of the hefty Arch - the New Safe Confinement, which will soon cover the Chernobyl Sarcophagus. In general, stories about one’s own work or about seemingly banal skills (how to make a slingshot, how bearings are made or bread is baked) today have resulted in a separate subsite called “Ask”, where the user sets a topic and is ready to answer any questions about this topic.Understand what is unique about what you do and talk about it.5. Finally, if you don’t know how to juggle subjects and predicates at all, just share something particularly relevant, something that practically no one has yet written about - news from some highly specialized resources, but interesting for ordinary users, or translated yourself news from Western sites. This happened, for example, with a post about the cartoon Kin-Dza-Dza - which was briefly mentioned on the website of some festival. Or, finally, please your blog readers with something useful, for example, a link to the archive of award cases of all participants in the Great Patriotic War. In any case, try it! Knowledge of how to do things comes during action.!