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From the author: From my books “PROslave of food. Psychology of Slimness" and "Slave to Food?! Slave revolt!” What attempts have you already made to lose weight? Yes, it is very important to remember this at the beginning of a new journey. Most likely, your territory of “showdowns” with your body, appetite, and food is already full of “trodden paths”. But for some reason, time after time, you were disappointed in these “routes.” Let's take a little time to spend some time on our previous experience. To do this, it would be good to start writing a “Chronicle of your body.” This could be a nice notebook, or a notebook, or a dated diary. Which will now accompany you on your journey to Slimness. “Travel Notes” are like this... Which this time you will start with a revision of past attempts. What do you think helped you - inspired you - was useful and meaningful for you? And what slowed you down - unnecessarily stressed you - tormented you - and in the end made you give up everything and return “to normal” - ?What, in your opinion, were you lucky? What were the reasons for the failures? What amused you – entertained you – inspired you? What upset you, worried you, made you tense and stressed? What qualities – resources – strengths do you need to add to yourself in order to achieve results? How can you adjust your environment so that there are fewer temptations and obstacles? Write in a spontaneous, free form... It is better to devote several days to this kind of free writing, which can be summarized in 7-9 conclusions. Most likely, you will once again be convinced that you are dissatisfied with your body. And you probably want to change something in its appearance, volume, weight. Moreover, most likely, in your “reconstruction” plans, you are guided by digital and visual marks. Well, there “I should weigh so much kg” or “my hips should be so many cm” or “I should look like ... (filled in with the name of the Body Ideal) And invite you to look at yourself, your body, in the mirror, this is more likely just to invite you to another and quite familiar meeting with your “bodily defects”. I am sure that 95% of women look at themselves – their bodies in the mirror, first of all fixating on their dissatisfaction. Insufficiently smooth hips, insufficiently elastic belly, cellulite - here we are truly experts at labeling any “roughness” with this very dirty word... Sometimes the attitude towards the body reminds me of the attitude of an eternally dissatisfied mother towards her little child. Such a mother always knows better than the child what he needs now, how to feed him - what to dress him in - what to teach and what to “train” him for... The mother tries with all her might to create a “prodigy” for herself, and the poor baby loves her so much that he sincerely tries to match her ruthless and insensitive towards him - the real Ideals. Do you recognize yourself at least a little? And now attention, a question - how did you feel in your childhood, when your parents demanded and demanded from you, often really more than you were ready and able, forgetting to encourage you? Praise you for your efforts? Forgetting that Human development is diverse, and discipline, teaching, control are categories of training rather than the truth of revealing the individual potential of a person. And what is most important in development is self-sensitivity. To your current capabilities. To your mood. To our own – namely, our own – sensations that help us, when navigating the Big World, to live in harmony and peace with ourselves. I offer you a small exercise right now. Take a break for 5-7 minutes. Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes, watch your breathing for a minute or two and touch yourself. Here are your legs, your arms, your belly - butt - hips - chest - neck - head. Touch yourself with curiosity and care. Feel your warmth with your open palms. Its elasticity. Your faithful, responsive, Life-filled Body. What images are coming to you now? Metaphors? Just watch what is happening. Behind your feelings and what emotions - thoughts and feelings arise in you... When you get out of this state, write an essay “Me and my