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The birth of a baby in a family is not only joy, but also new worries, anxieties, and a complete restructuring of life. As a rule, the bulk of child care responsibilities fall on the mother. During this period, she becomes very tired not only from housework, feeding the baby, lack of sleep, but also from severe emotional overload. The baby is gradually growing up, but there is still not enough time to relax, communicate with friends and take care of himself. Often the unmet needs of a new mother result in postpartum depression. This is the first crisis for a mother after the birth of a child, which is easier to overcome with the help of consultations with a psychologist. Of course, it can be difficult for a child’s mother to find the opportunity to leave her child with someone, or the time and energy to get out for an in-person consultation. This is where online advice from a psychologist can come to the rescue. This is very convenient, and today many mothers unite for support in various groups on social networks, in which they can share their experience of caring for a child and their worries. But the Internet also makes it possible to get advice from a psychologist for free, and without leaving home, for example, when a child has fallen asleep and she finally has a free minute. The second crisis appears in the relationship with the baby, starting from the age of one and a half years, when he expresses not only his needs, but also desires. The conflict between the desires of the child and the mother is the main problem with which people turn to a psychologist. Moms complain: he doesn’t do everything the way I want: - he doesn’t listen; - he doesn’t want to go to bed; - he doesn’t eat what I give and when I give him; - he doesn’t want to get dressed for the street; - he demands what I don’t allow; - runs away from me on the street; - throws tantrums in the store; - constantly whines, is capricious; - shows aggression towards me (bites, screams, hits). Although all these characteristics of a little person’s behavior are quite natural and understandable, nevertheless, the mother gets very tired of them, first of all, emotionally. Gradually, irritation and anger accumulate on the child, which is certainly poured out on him, after which the baby begins to cry and express his dissatisfaction with renewed vigor. Free advice from a psychologist on how to behave with the baby in each case will help the mother resolve all contradictions in a constructive way and maintain peace of mind, which is very important for the child. The next common problem is when a child in kindergarten is diagnosed as “hyperactive.” Hyperactivity is also called attention deficit disorder. Such a child is characterized by excessive activity: he is often excited, runs around a lot, screams. His attention is unstable and he cannot sit in one place for a long time. Such a child needs a special approach, which can also be learned from a psychologist. Together with Yulia Vasyukova