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From the author: Published for the first time on the website http:www.domognenko.comWhen you dream about clothes. The color of your clothesApril 13, 2012 It’s incomprehensible how it all works! How daytime thoughts and feelings flow into a dream and how, renewed there, in a dream, they return to daytime reality! Today in a dream, one girl invited me to India, which is very close, eight hours away by car. I begin to get ready and take out my clothes, which were folded either in a suitcase or in another place. Imagine my surprise that the clothes turned out to be wet. I lay out wet clothes on the backs of the sofa to dry. When I woke up, I thought that I should write an article on a blog, because I haven’t written anything for a long time (not because I’m lazy, but because I’m overwhelmed with work). And write specifically about clothes in a dream. Moreover, the article about clothes has been in one of the folders for a long time, or rather several years. It just needs to be processed and typed on a computer. And there are already a lot of such untyped articles. I was all going to write a book. But there is not enough time for this yet. And from the dream I get the feeling that I don’t have to wait for a book to be written, but it’s time to just write articles about dreams. And really, what am I doing? You can write articles, and then, perhaps, someday they will become a book. The second surprise awaited me when I opened my mailbox. I received a letter from a reader with the subject “About dreams and color.” Here is a small fragment of this letter. Hello, Nadezhda! I listened to your audiobook - thank you very much! At the same time, I’m reading the materials on the site (I found it quite recently, as it happens, I “accidentally” wandered into it). It’s amazing, we’ve been walking almost in parallel for many years, only you as a psychologist, and I as an artist, but the topics are the same - dreams and color. Your site has become an important and joyful discovery for me - it turns out that I can write about it, discuss it and share it with others such seemingly very personal material. For many years I have been carrying an almost parallel life within me and looking for “mine.” This is a big topic, like the tree in your book, with branches, roots and everything else, living in the world for a long time, and it seems that a whole forest is beginning to emerge from the fog around it - finally! ))) Color. That's what resonates now. For the last 10 years I have been teaching my own course on practical work with color for students of design universities (Moscow) and master classes for those interested... This woman invited me to India. Why to India? Why did I decide that? Yes, because everything else in this letter was about color. And when I woke up, wrote down my dreams and thought about why India and what this country means to me, the first realization that came was: a riot of rich colors and colors! When I started reading her letter, I already knew for sure that the metaphorical language of dreams was precisely thus introduced me to my meeting with a new person! What a long introduction, however... But we are talking about clothes. I'll have to make a continuation article. And perhaps not alone. Because there is too much material. And today we will only talk about the color of clothes. And even then, I’m unlikely to be able to reveal all the options for interpreting the color of clothing in a dream - the topic is too global, there are too many options! But I’ll reveal what I can. So, let's go!1. Clothing in a dream is, in a sense, our second “I”, our shell, our protective suit, our aura, if you like. And, as you remember, “they meet you by their clothes.” Dreams are the reality of a different level of existence, a subtle reality, one might say. And the color of clothes in a dream speaks of the subtle states of a person. What are subtle states? These are thoughts, feelings, emotions. That is, the color of clothes in a dream reflects exactly what a person feels, what emotions he experiences and what he thinks about.2. Color is vibration. Clairvoyants who describe a person’s aura see in it tints of different colors, glow, zones of darkening and breaks in color. Clothes in a dream are essentially the same aura. Photography using the Kirlian method has long confirmed that there is a certain glow around a person. And everyoneperson it is different. And it is different at different periods of life. And in different states of soul and body it is different. And each color has its own specific meaning. And physicists have proven that color is vibration. And that the sun's rays, breaking up into different colors in the Earth's atmosphere, also carry different states. And the color of clothes in a dream also speaks of a certain state that a person is experiencing. For example, red clothes in a dream will tell you about what a person is experiencing, for example, anger or passion, or joy or other strong feelings. And blue clothes will most likely signal that the person’s state is dominated by gentleness, calmness and goodwill. Or maybe sadness and sadness. Depending on the entire context of the dream.3. Shiny and dark colors. Rich, shining colors of clothing in a dream most often indicate clear feelings, beautiful desires, and pure thoughts. Dark, dirty, gray colors of clothes in a dream, as a rule, hint that the owner of the dream is experiencing anger, melancholy, resentment, resistance and similar feelings. Now I will not give all the symbolism of each color. Because it will turn out to be a whole book.4. I have another task - to show you that the color of clothes in a dream matters. Even the same color can mean something different in different dreams. For example, the same red one in one dream will speak about joy, passionate love, and in another - about anger, indignation, resentment. Let's look at this using a specific example: Dream. I bring back joy. I intend to swim across the river. I enter the water with my clothes on. I'm wearing black trousers and a red fluffy jumper. I feel like my wet clothes are making it difficult to swim, but it doesn't bother me much. I come out to the other side and head towards my house. At some point I notice that the fluffy jacket seems to have lost its color due to being saturated with water. It has become almost transparent, the red color comes through only in a few places. I take off my jacket and wring it out. After this, the red color immediately returns evenly and richly, and I magically instantly find myself at home. Lyudmila (my former client) had a dream during a period of emotional liberation from an unpleasant relationship with a man that oppressed and devastated her. Lyudmila experienced states of sadness and sadness and felt a lack of energy for life. The return of the red color in this dream meant the return of activity, energy and joy of life. In general, interpreting dreams is not an easy task, because there are many lines running in parallel at once. And not only the eyes, but also thoughts and feelings scatter in different directions, and in order to embrace them all, great concentration and great attention are required. In this dream, for example, not only the color of the clothes is important, but also its moisture, and the return of the girl home, and her transition (swimming) to the other side, and... In general, a lot of things... So the transition to the other side is the desire to free yourself from sad and depressing thoughts. Water is the sphere of feelings, intuition and emotions. The Source of Dreams often shows an excessive amount of emotions through excess water. Having wrung out the jacket, the girl freed herself from the thoughts and emotions that oppressed her. And immediately the joy of life and energy returned. And it was not at all by chance that, as in a fairy tale, she was instantly transported home. To return lost energy is to return home, to yourself, freed from the influence of another person and from negative thoughts in his direction. Well, it must be noted that this dream, in a sense, stated the fact of a change in the girl’s state in reality. She regained her strength, joy and energy. With this we will conclude our communication today. But a continuation will certainly follow, because we have only just touched upon the “clothing” symbol. And we still have a lot of interesting things to learn. I'm afraid to promise that tomorrow, but in the next two or three days - for sure! Yes, and finally. My wet clothes in my dream today also meant slightly aroused feelings, but calmly aroused. That is, my emotions were not overflowing - my clothes were slightly damp. In my clothes